Chapter 12; "Have you ever had anyone, or anything tempt you?"

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 Earlier Wednesday morning, Trevon gently rubbed Phylicia’s back through her suit while on the phone with her boss. ,”Yes sir, she’s really having a hard time.” Phylicia was clutching the toilet while throwing up severely. “Yes, she’s 8weeks pregnant.” Phylicia sat back away from the toilet weakly. ,”That’s wonderful when is she due?” Phylicia looked at her husband as he ended the call. Trevon lifted Phylicia into his arms laying her down while undressing her. ,”Trevon..” Trevon unsnapped her bra freeing her breasts. ,”Yes honey?” “Thank you Baby.”

Trevon smiled. ,”Anything for you Lici. I’m going to call off work today too. I want to make sure your okay.” “Trevon don’t do that.” Trevon kissed her forehead. ,”Okay, I’ll go in at 1pm” Phylicia nodded. Trevon gently rubbed her stomach. ,”How’s my little girl or little boy?” Phylicia laughed weakly. ,”He or she has mommy sick.” Trevon smiled. Phylicia sighed as Trevon tugged down her skirt. Trevon smiled down at her.

“I should make you something to soothe your stomach, maybe some lemon tea?” At the sound of that Phylicia rushed back to the bathroom. Trevon pouted worriedly as she heaved and released. “Baby, I’m going to call your doctor.” Once Lici got a breath in she made a noise similar to “okay” Trevon dialed Dr. Russel’s number. ,”Mr. Morris, She will be fine. She’s not throwing up blood at all?” Trevon looked at his wife as she weakly climbed into bed.

“Nope. No blood” “It’s natural, tell her to relax as best she can.” Trevon sat beside his wife before endingthe call.


“Have you ever had anyone, or anything tempt you Pastor Morris?” Trevon felt his heart tighten in his chest. No need getting upset now, he’d asked Jania to invite Bria to bible study and she eagerly came. ,”Yes. I have.” Bria smiled lightly sweeping her finger tips along the pew. Robert was staring at her from across the room, his expression hadn’t changed yet. “Yes, recently Bria. I am tempted daily.” Bria seemed frustrated that he was being so honest when she rolled her eyes and slumped back into her seat.

Shonda smiled, any other pastor would lie and brush it off, but Trevon was going to be honest with you. Who read 1corinthans; Chapter 13? A bunch of hands shot up. Trevon pointed at Ms. Linda. ,”Tell me Ms. Linda, how did the lord guide you in his word?” Linda patted her wig before answering. ,”Well, I know I have not been following a lot of it in my own relationship. Love is patient. Something I’m not.”

Trevon nodded. ,”Well, don’t get upset with yourself for not knowing, pray to GOD to order your steps and lead you.” Ms. Linda nodded leaning against her husband who kissed her forehead lightly. Trevon smiled thinking of his wife for a moment as he open his mouth to continue, but Bria’s hand shot up. ,”Pastor Morris, have you ever done anything Bad? You seem too perfect.” Trevon chuckled. ,”I am not perfect at all, I have done much. I was once a sex addict, I was a sick man once. I use to be many things, but it taught me a lot.”

Bria smiled curious. ,”What’s wrong with sex?” Trevon heard a couple guys agree. ,”I never said it was bad or wrong. I based my life on it. It was the only thing I cared about.” Bria snorted. ,”Okay?  Whats the problem?.” Jania hit Bria in the arm to silence her and Bria glared at Jania but shut up. ,”I didn’t care who I hurt  Bria.” Trevon spoke firmly as his mind wandered a little.

Once bible study had came to a peaceful end everyone departed and Jania was smiling wide as Trevon passed her the keys to his car. Jania squealed eagerly as she rushed toward his SUV before jumping in. Trevon smiled climbing in the back, Bria took the passenger seat. “Dad, can I go to the burger place down the street, I’m straving.” “Yeah, go ahead baby girl.”

Trevon rested his head on the back seat as Jania drove into the lot parking, soon stepping out the car. ,”Bria, want me to bring you anything back? How about you daddy?” Trevon pulled his wallet out handing her a twenty dollar bill. ,”Bring back something for everybody. I know your mom is probably hungry from work, and your brother had football practice today.” Jania nodded taking the twenty and rushing in the burger place.

“You’re really cute.” Trevon looked at Bria. ,”Thank you.” “Do you think I’m cute Mr. Morris.” Trevon pretended not to hear her. ,”Mr Morris?” Trevon sighed turning his head to the window watching the night sky. Trevon felt the car shift as Bria climbed in the backseat. “Are you asleep.” Trevon turned his head meeting Bria’s eyes she was so close to him.

“No. I wish you would stop bothering with me, and find someone else.” Bria smiled innocently. ,”It’s not bothering if you like it.” Trevon felt her lips gently touch his. ,”I don’t like it.” Trevon pulled his head from her. Bria smiled. ,”Your dick thinks otherwise.” “Can you go back to the front before my daughter comes back?” Trevon pulled her hands away for his zipper. “Stop.” Bria pushed his hands into her panties easily leaning to kiss the crook of his neck. Trevon felt himself weaken as Bria’s tongue flicked along the sensitive spot of his neck. Trevon grew hard as Bria pushed his finger inside her. They both jumped at the sound of the door opening.

Bria jumped away scrambling to the front seat as Jania turned to hand her dad the large back. ,”Here. I got everything.” Trevon sighed heavily taking the food and seating it on the seat beside him. As Jania started the car once more Bria turned her head and smiled slyly at Trevon. Trevon shut his eyes tight ignoring Bria’s lustful eyes as he focused on getting rid of his erection.

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