Chapter 22; ""Dad, someone shot mom, and she's not breathing.."

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Phylicia choose not to answer. She was unsure. Instead she lightly rubbed the back of Trevon’s head.

“I need some time.”

Trevon nodded kissing Phylicia’s legs. ,”I understand.” Trevon stood pulling his wife to her feet in a tight embrace. ,”I love you.” Phylicia held on to Trevon her eyes closed as she took in his scent that she was so use to.

“I love you too.”

Phylicia felt cold as Trevon released her. ,”Get some sleep.” Phylicia nodded as Trevon’s lips tenderly kissed her forehead


Trevon’s POV.

It took a lot from him just to leave his wife last night, Trevon absent mindedly worked through patient files quickly. As Phylicia filled his mind.

He was wondering if Lawrence had stolen her heart already but she was to heartbroken to realize. Trevon’s youngest patient gave him a hug and told him to cheer up, Trevon couldn’t help but smile at her sweet gesture.

Thursday came and Trevon decided to return to church, the congregation was surprised to see him, they eagerly pulled him into the topic of the day.

Trevon sat and listened as James gave an impressive reading, and everyone joined in and tuned into what he was speaking. Trevon smiled as James began singing; “We fall down.” By Donnie Mcclurkin Trevon joined in happily.

He knew had to straighten things with his wife out. That was his wife. Trevon left bible study once it came to an end. He quickly rushed over to Lawrence’s house, Lawrence answered the door and stepped aside without word. Phylicia was eating dinner in front of the t.v. Phylicia looked up at Trevon. He hadn’t planned to say anything he just wanted to show her the affection he’d missed giving her.

Lawrence respectfully disappeared into the kitchen as Trevon held and cuddle Phylicia to him. He stroked her hair and made her smile, something he hadn’t done in weeks.

Phylicia even kissed him before he left to return home. Trevon smiled all the way home that night, Jania and Anthony didn’t question things

As both just let their parent’s work out whatever it was.


As things seemed to be going alright, Bria was trying to take everything down hill. Phylicia and Trevon argued as Trevon had to cancel dinner with Phylicia to help Bria to the doctor’s.

Trevon sighed as the door slammed in his face. Trevon got in his car to pick up Bria. Bria smiled as she got in. ,”Thank you.” ‘Your welcome.”

It wasn’t long before they reached the doctor’s office, and Bria was taken into a room in the back. Trevon even held Bria’s hand as the doctor rolled the lazer type pointer along Bria’s stomach.

The doctor smiled. ,”You are going to have a baby boy.” Bria smiled and Trevon smiled a little too, pictures were printed and Trevon put his copy in his wallet.

Trevon stroked Phylicia back tenderly, She was still laying beautifully in the dress she’d bought for the dinner Trevon cancelled. ,”Im sorry.” Trevon held Phylicia close as she wept.

Trevon turned her to him kissing her tears away. ,”Is she more important.” ‘No, now shh.” Trevon kissed her lips lightly.  Trevon pulled away unzipping her dress. ,”Trevon please,”

“I’m just taking it off, I know you don’t want to make love.” Phylicia nodded as he slipped it off her and laid beside her. Trevon kissed Phylicia lovingly. 

After a long while Phylicia’s kisses became desperate and needy, Trevon pulled away as he felt himself harden, He stroked her back looking into her eyes. ,”I love you.”

Phylicia smiled lightly. ,”I love you too.” Trevon kissed her again. Phylicia began to kiss him with a deep hunger. Trevon tried to stop her as she began to undress him. ,”Phylicia. Please.”

Phylicia ignored him, as he felt her roll a condom down on his member, something that they hadn’t used in years, but he understood why.,”Phylicia…Please…” was the last thing Trevon said as they made love under Phylicia’s direction.

Phylicia was fast asleep after they finished. Trevon slowly began to get up and get dressed. Trevon rolled the condom off and left the house, Trevon smiled as he drifted off to sleep once he returned home. It started to feel like highschool as Trevon and Phylicia were staying up past 4am on the phone.

Him sneaking in the window to make love to her. Trevon hadn’t smiled so much in a while. Things were going well as Phylicia began packing her things to move back in, even with Bria nagging him to do this and that  for the baby.

Everything was going okay. Trevon was smiling a mile wide until he got a call at work that stopped his heart and made his world come crashing down.

“Dad, someone shot mom, and she’s not breathing..”


All hell has just broken loose

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