Chapter XVIII - the Diner that Disappeared

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Sherlock steps into 221B again, this time with a bleeding nose and an urgency to see Clara. He hadn't seen her in over 3 years now, and he could feel her absence in every bone and corner of his soul. Mycroft would make fun of him for the way he was feeling, but Sherlock didn't care anymore--maybe sentiment was unavoidable.. Something you have no control over. One thing he knew for sure--if sentiment was a chemical defect found in the loosing side, he had definitely lost for Clara. And now, somehow, he was fine with that.

But if he didn't find Clara soon, Sherlock didn't know what he would do with himself.

"Oh, my!" Mrs Hudson exclaims once he walks though the door with John and Mary Morstan, John's girlfriend, trailing behind. "Sherlock--what happened to you?"

Sherlock ignores her and sits in his chair. John, still outrageously angry, answers for him.

"I punched him." he glares Sherlock's way, motioning to his nose.

Mrs Hudson raises her eyebrows and purses her lips. "I suppose you deserved it, then."

From his chair, Sherlock looks over at her and rolls his eyes. "What has Clara been up to?" he asks.

"Clara? You mean Clara Oswald? Since when do you know her?" Mrs Hudson responds.

"I... met her, once. Where is she?" he asks again, more insistent.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you, dearie. She lived here. you know. Bought the flat just after you... fell. One day she just left--stormed out in a fit and didn't return home. Left all her stuff, too, poor thing. I thought she'd be back so I left her flat alone--and then one day, I come up here and all of it was gone. It was strange. I figured she'd come and gotten her things, but I hadn't left the house that day and no once came in and out. And then it was like she had never been there at all. I worry about her sometimes, I haven't heard from her since." Mrs Hudson responds.

Sherlock curses, concerned as well. Maybe his leaving had too much of an affect on her. What had he done?

"Wait--Clara Oswald? The short, big eyed girl you had a case about? She lived here?" John asks.

Sherlock looks at him. "A case? John, John are you talking about?"

"You... your case. She was framed for several murders and you... you had her under house arrest. Don't you remember?" John says. Sherlock raises an eyebrow at him. "No, you did meet her. Funny, I saw her right after you..." John pauses. "jumped. She said she didn't even know you, too. What happened, between you two?"

Sherlock shakes his head. John must be imagining things. Then he has a thought. If there is any place Clara would be other than 221B, it would be the Diner.

Sherlock jumps up. "You three!" he shouts, "Stay here. I'm going to find her. I'll be right back,"

Before anyone can say a word, he is out of the flat and running towards the Diner, because he doesn't have time to find a cab.


Out of breath, Sherlock stops--nose bleeding and still in his tux. In front of him is where the Diner is. At least... where the Diner should be. Where it was when he last saw it, when Clara told him that it was really a Time Machine. Bigger on the inside, and able to travel anywhere.

But now it's gone. Just an empty, hardly noticeable space between two buildings. Sherlock watches a plastic bag drift across the empty lot. People walk all around, busy and not paying much attention to anything else. Someone bumps in to him.

"Sorry," the woman says in a voice that makes Sherlock hopeful

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"Sorry," the woman says in a voice that makes Sherlock hopeful. His head snaps to her face, only to see some one else. She has very red lips and blue eyes. Her hair is long and she wears a red jacket. But still, she isn't Clara.

Though... something about the woman seems much too familiar. In the blink of an eye, she's gone. Down the street and out of sight. Sherlock chooses to forget her, and thinks back to Clara.

Somehow... Sherlock thinks, heartbroken, Clara has managed to disappear off of the face of the Earth.


WARNING: Contains spoilers of the new Sherlock series.

Number ONE
(the challenge: demand satisfaction. IF they apologize no need for further action...)

After I wrote, "Mycroft would make fun of him for the way he was feeling, but Sherlock didn't care anymore" I really wanted to put something about how Sherlock thought Elizabeth Smallwood had a "thing" for Mycroft. ;)

Number TWO
(If they don't, grab a friend, that's your second. Your lieutenant, when there's reckoning to be reckoned...)

I love the GIF! It's adorable! 

Number THREE

(Have your seconds meet face to face. Negotiate a peace OR negotiate a time and place...)

Hey, Sherlockians... Guess who bumped into him?


Number FOUR

(If they don't reach a peace, that's alright. Time to get some pistols and the Doctor on site...)

After the photo of Eurus, I wrote, "Sherlock chooses to forget her." 

...Get it? Because Sherlock erased her from his hard drive... *foreshadowing intensifies*


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