Chapter 2: Seans Apartment

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Juliets POV:
When I woke up it was still dark. Norman had fallen asleep in the recliner and the tv was still going but it was on mute. I sat up and looked around, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness before moving anywhere. I walked out onto Seans balcony and sat in a chair. The moon illuminated the trees and buildings in front of me. I enjoyed sitting out here alone, the quietness is so peaceful. The air was chilly even for April so I quietly went back inside. Instead of going straight back to laying down I crept into the kitchen where I retrieved a bottle of water from the fridge. For some reason I suddenly got this feeling that someone was behind me. I acted normal and grabbed a knife that was sitting a foot from me. I jerked around and held my knife out and waved it in the air.

"Juliet" The voice was deep and I knew it couldn't be Sean or Norman because they had both just been asleep.

"I'm armed...g-get out"

"A knife isn't going to save you and neither are your dead friends"

You know when you're watching a scary movie and they play that music and you know that character is about to die? Yeah that's me at the moment. I swallowed the lump in my thoat before turning my head to the side. I could barely make out the figure standing in front of me but I knew someone was there. I lunged forward and the lights switched on quickly. My heart stopped and I thought for sure I was dead.

"Shit Juliet it's just me, please do not stab me"

"What the fuck Norman? You scared the shit out of me, I thought you were the murderer" I gritted through my teeth. He started laughing like nothing was wrong and he pulled me into a hug which I didn't try to pull out of. I loved the way his arms wrapped all the way around me and he smelled so good.

"I'm sorry Juliet"

"You're an idiot Norman Reedus"

"You are beautiful Juliet Garcia"

We walked back to the couch and instead of sitting separate we sat together. I layed in between his legs with my head resting on his chest. I could feel his breath on the top of my head and the rise fall pattern of his breathing. We turned on the tv but there was nothing good on which didn't suprise me so we just turned it off completely. He ran his fingers through my hair and was careful not to rip it out when coming across a tangle, which I had a ton of even if I brushed my hair twenty times a day.

"Let's play a game."

"Norman I'm tired it's like 4 in the morning."

"Ok so we're playing, here's how it works, we ask each other a question and each person has to answer truthfully."

"That's a Q&A dipshit."

"You're not very nice to me." He said laughing.

"But sure we can play, only 3 questions each though."

"You first."

"Hm, how old are you?"

"It is not nice to ask women how old they are, learn you manners. But I'm 29 if you must know." I said looking up at him.

"Since it's only fair I guess I'll answer it too. I'm 42."

"My turn. If you could change one thing about your past what would it be?" He rubbed the scruff on his chin obviously thinking hard. "I would spend more time with my parents. I never visited them as I got older because of all the acting and everything, what about you?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. If I could change one thing about my already fucked up past what would I do? "I would warn my mom about my dad, tell her to leave him before she got scared of him." He tilted his head and rubbed my shoulders. Then he kissed the top of my head.

"Last question. What's your biggest fear?"

"Tornadoes or any bad storm in general." I said matter-of-factly. "And I'm pretty claustrophobic, what's Mr-not-scared-of-anything's biggest fear?"

"I'm scared of dolls-" 

"Are you serious?" I giggled.

"100%, my sister had a life size one when we were younger, it scared the shit out of me. It would just sit on her bed and stare in the atmosphere. In fact she still has that creepy ass thing. I've tried to get her to burn it but she won't. She says she wants to "pass it down" but I refuse to go in her house unless that things outta sight." Then we started laughing until we couldn't breath. I was on the verge of dying when Norman did some thing that took the last breath I had away from me.

I was pulled into a tight embrace again and our lips collided this time. He ran his rough hands over my cheek and down my arm which gave me goosebumps all over. He took off his shirt and threw it to the side and I placed my hands on his six pack. I used my thumb to make circles on a tattoo located on his chest. I could barely breath but everything he was doing felt to good to stop. He reached for my shirt and slowly lifted it up and over my head. His tongue started exploring the inside of my mouth and I couldn't help but let these little moans escape me. I moved my hands from his chest to his long brown hair where I scrunched it up in my fingers. It was tangled but I'm pretty sure I made it worse. I tucked a piece behind his ear and placed my hands back on his chest. He slid his pants off which were then thrown into the little pile of clothes we had already made. I looked down to see a giant lump in his pants.

Norman then placed his hands inside the loops of my jeans where he began to pull down.

"Norm-" I said hesitantly while placing my hands on top of his. He released his grip and he had a mix of emotions on his face which mostly consisted of sadness and relief. I backed up a bit and looked down, I was sort of disappointed in myself.

"It's okay Juliet, I understand if you don't want t-"

"I'm really sorry" I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. He pulled me into one more hug before sitting back down on the couch. I sat down in the same position and placed my head back on his chest. Then Norman pulled a blanket up over me and kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight Juliet" He said softly.
"Don't call me that Norman, we're obviously not strangers anymore and my friends call me JJ so that's what you call me now. Okay? Okay."

"Goodnight JJ"
(Short chapter)
Wow I suckkkk at writing. Anyways I wanted to save a really intimate scene for when they're closer so don't kill me for this:) Also I couldn't find the picture I wanted from the movie Sky kms so enjoy the title picture:))
Norman kisses

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