Chapter 12: Sorry

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Juliets POV:
After Wendys we went to redbox. We picked out 3 movies, Me Before You ( I had to beg Norman for that ), Fast and Furious, and Deliver Us From Evil. I took a shower when we got home and Norman took one right after me.

I threw on one of his white shirts and a pair of black leggings. I went into the kitchen to grab some water while Norman was getting dressed. It was barely 5 even though it felt way later. I had a headache, like a migraine type of headache. I opened the cabinet above the microwave and searched for some advil or alive. I had to pull up a chair to look in the back. I finally spotted some and pulled it out. I took two and put it back in its place. I quickly scooted the chair back and got a bottle of water. "Juliet? What're you doing?" Norman questioned from the kitchen entrance.

"Holy shit, you scared me half to death Norman," I said, turning around to face him. I was clutching both pills in my left hand which was down at my side. He started walking towards me and my heart rate picked up. I should've just told him about having a headache but me being me, I chickened out. He furrowed his eye brows and waited for me to answer his question.

"Oh, uh nothing, I just needed some water," I motioned to my bottle, picking it up off the counter. "Just water?" He asked. "Yes. Just water. Am I not allowed to drink water?" I snapped. It came out worse then I intended and I immediately regreted it. "JJ you can tell me if somethings wrong," He said. "I'm fine. I just have a headache, so I took 2 alive, I'm sorry Norman, I should've just told you. I don't know why I lied, sometimes I just get nervous, I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's okay JJ. Look it's fine. Just tell me next time, you don't have to hide anything from me baby," He said, engulfing me in a large hug.

I finally pulled away and shoved both alive in my mouth, taking a huge drink of water to wash them down. My headache was on the verge of unbearable. I hadn't had one this bad in a long time. I rubbed my temples and leaned up against the counter. I was so scared I was getting sick. I didn't want to ruin our last day together, I could never forgive myself.

"Hey JJ, are you sure you're okay?" He questioned nervously. The answer wasn't yes but I knew he'd know if I lied again. "It's just a headache, I'll be fine," I answered truthfully. "But that wasn't my question, are you okay? As in right now?" When was his integration gonna be over. "I mean besides my headache, I'm fine. But my head is pounding right now so I guess the answer you're looking for is no. No I'm not okay."

Walking towards me from the fridge he asked, "What can I do?" I shrugged my shoulders, my head still pounding. I was on the verge of tears once again. I didn't know why I was so emotional all of the sudden. "Do you want to lay down?" I glanced back up at him. "No, I don't wanna ruin our night. It's barely 5," I bit the inside of my lip. "Baby," He started, coming closer to me. I could feel his warm breath on my face. "If your head hurts that much, you needa lay down," He leaned down and kissed my soft kips. "Promise I won't ruin our night?" I felt horrible for everything. "I promise, do you wanna just watch a movie in the bedroom?"

"Could we just cuddle for a little?" I gave him a weak smile and he smirked down at me. "Always," He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I tucked my head into his neck and let a single tear fall. He used his right hand to hold me up and his left hand to move the blanket down. The he laid me down and I immediately shut my eyes as a sharp pain went through my temple. Before getting in bed, Norman shut the door, turned off the lights, and shut the blinds. A few secondd later, I felt the bed dip next to me. My hands were still covering my face so I wasn't sure what he was doing.


"Yeah, what's wrong?" I moved my hands up on my face so I could talk. "Could you go grab my water please?" He didn't answer but I could feel him getting out of bed and the bedroom door opened a few moments later. I sat up and scooted over to the edge of my bed, the edge that faced away from the door. I put my elbows on my knees and rested my head in my hands.

All of the sudden I got really nauseous. I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom, scared I was going to throw up. I hated getting sick, it was hard to breath and your throat burned like fire. I sat down on my knees and hung my head over the toilet. 'I hate everything, I want to die' I thought to myself as I began to throw up. Norman just magically appeared next to me like a magician. He pulled my hair out from my face and rubbed my back. I began crying because it hurt so bad.

"It's okay baby, get it all out," Norman said through his shirt. About 30 seconds later everything was out of my system for the time being. I kept my head over the toilet to hide my tears from Norman. My throat, along with my head, hurt like shit.

Norman got up from his spot and started a warm bath. I cleared my eyes as fast as I could while his back was turned. My face was still probably red but maybe he wouldn't know I was crying. He came back over to me and undressed me. Once the water was filled to the brim he picked me up and gently sat me in there. He kissed the top of my head as he made his way out. "I'm really sorry for ruining tonight," I apologized for about the one hundredth time. "Hey would you stop apologizing? Everyone gets sick JJ. I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you," He said shutting the bathroom door a little. "I love you Norman," My voice was low because of my throat but he still managed to hear me.

"I love you Juliet," Norman smiled through the crack of the door.

Taking his word Norman was back in the bathroom no less than five minutes later with some clothes for me and a towel. He helped me out and helped dress me. I felt like a helpless child again, but instead of Norman it would've been my mom nursing me back to health. Man I missed her. "Thank you," I breathed out once we were both in bed again. It was after six now but the sun still seemed to be shining bright.

"Hey JJ, you need to eat something," Norman insisted. I three my head back and groaned. "It's just gonna come back up Norm, so why does it matter?"

"You've got to get something on your stomach. What do you want, chicken noodle soup and crackers?"


"Well that's what you're gettin" He chuckled, getting out of bed. "You're a jackass Norman Reedus," He turned around and looked me dead in the eyes. Imitating a donkey he said, "He-Haw, He-Haw." It got me to smile, I'm not gonna lie.

I was in love with an idiot but he was my idiot.

Hola fellow readers. Honestly I want to take a 20 day long nap rn so bye. Dont forget to give me feedback,, it means alot.
Norman kisses

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