Chapter 15: Goodbyes:(

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Juliets POV:
"Hey baby doll, I gotta get to the airport soon," I opened my eyes to see Normans frame standing beside me. He was already dressed and packed. "What times is it?" I asked yawning. "Uh," he glanced down at his phone before answering,"Almost nine,"

"But your flight doesn't leave til' noon," He didn't answer me he just sat down and put his head in his hands. I sat up, scooted over next to him, and rested my head on his arm. I groaned extra loud while I stood up to get dressed.

I just threw on some street clothes which consisted of ripped skinny jeans and a plain black shirt. Then I put my hair up in a messy bun and applied a very thin layer of makeup. I slid my brown sandals on before we headed out to Normans truck.

Silence filled the truck the entire ride. I don't know why excactly, whether it was from shock or sadness, I really wasn't sure. I did know that I was drained. Drained of everything in life. I just wanted to cuddle in bed with Norman.

A little while later we were walking into the airport. Paparazzi crowded around us as I grasped Normans arm in fear. Everyone was talking at the same time and fans were holding out their phones and pictures. He got through about ten people before he started becoming agitated.

"Norman is this your new girlfriend?"

"Norman are you going back to film in Atlanta for The Walking Dead?"

"Norman I love you so much!"

"Norman is she going with you?"

It felt like everyone was screaming at the same time and it was just getting louder and louder.


We were pushing past them when one of the reporters shoved a camera in my face. "Shut the hell up and leave us the fuck alone! You don't need to know everything about the poor guy! Did your mom every teach you respect!?" I screamed, my face heating up with embarrassment.

"Sorry," I whispered and latched back onto Normans arm as everyone started backing away and shooting me dirty looks. A few minutes later we made it to security which was as far as I could go.

He looked down at me and I think I saw a tear in his eye. He pulled me into a long, everlasting hug. I put both my hands on his chest, one of them covering my face. I let a few tears fall as Norman rocked us back and forth on his heals.

"Now boarding flight 12 to Atlanta," someone called out over the loudspeaker. "Please tell me that's not your plane,"

"I really wish it wasn't, but it is." He pulled away and I kept my eyes locked on his knees. "Please look at my Juliet,"

"I love you," I half whispered, still not looking at him. "I love you to babygirl, keep Eye In The Dark well for me," I bit the inside of my lip and swallowed the growing lump in my throat. "Sure,"

"Bye," he said one last time before kissing me on the lips. It was fast but the feeling remained  after he had turned around and made his way through the airport. He didn't look back, not once. So I stood there, in the middle of the New York airport, tears silently streaming down my cheeks.

A few minutes later his plane took off and so did I. There were still reporters scattered around, some of them taking pictures of me, some actually trying to talk to me. I got to Normans car and left, not sure where I was going.

Instead of going back to Normans place, I drove to mine. When I entered I noticed how much dust coated everything. It was definitely in need of some tlc. I connected my phone to my bluetooth speaker and cranked up some tunes. I kind of forgot about everything for the next three hours. I forgot about Norman and well, just Norman. My apartment was just about completely spottless by four.

I flopped down on my couch and opened my phone. I noticed that I had two messages from Norman and my heart sort of fluttered a bit.

Norman: just wanted to let you know i'm safe on the plane & i already miss that smile of yours received at 4:03 pm

Norman: hey babygirl, just landed. i'll facetime you later on tonight. received at 4:03 pm

Juliet: miss you too:( don't forget to call me. sent at 4:05 pm

I put my phone on vibrate as I set it onto the couch next to me. I turned on my tv and flipped through the channels. After a few minuted I finally decided on Supernatural. I was on season 8, but I only have two more episodes of the season left.

After both episodes I got up and headed to the kitchen to grab dinner. It was just after six but my stomach was growling and my body was shaking because I hadn't ate very much of anything all day. I put in two chicken pot pies in the oven and started the set the timer for 20 minutes.

Then I made my way back into the living room where I began season nine of Supernatural.

Guess what? 20 minutes later (during an intense part) the freaking oven timer went off, like really, now? I hopped over the back of the couch and pulled my pies out of the oven. I made sure to turn it off, so I didn't burn my house down, before setting them on a plate to cool. In the midst of everything my phone started ringing.

"Seriously?" I mumbled, fumbling around trying to make it into the living room before whoever was calling me hung up. I made it just in time to see Normans contact and the facetime button. I slid yes and waited for it to connect. While waiting, I had made it back into the kitchen where I gathered a bottle of water and my chicken pot pies.

"Juliet?" I heard Normans voice call. "Hold on I'm in the living room!" I shouted running back to pick up my phone.

Completely out of breath, I sat back down on the couch and propped my phone up.

"Have a fight with your food?"

"Yeah...and I'm pretty sure it won," I huffed out, playing with my food. "How's Georgia?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. "Hot and boring, but filming starts tomorrow so instead of hot and boring I'll be hot and busy,"

I nodded my head, taking a bite of my chicken pot pie. "Darn it," I grumbled. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot I have to work tomorrow too," I frowned in frustration. "Being an adult is hard work huh?" He said in a baby voice. "The hardest," I mocked in the same tone.

"Come home to me?" I asked, making puppy dog lips. "I would if I could, but I can't,"

I sighed in defeat, putting my now empty plate on the table in front of me. "I know but it's bad when I just seen you 5 hours ago and it feels like it's been, 5 months."

"I get it, but I promise the weeks will fly by,"


"Well...maybe it won't totally feel like it sometimes, they will," He reassured.

"Okay babygirl, I have a long day tomorrow, starting at 5 am so I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready for work."

"Ok," I half whispered, sort of disappointed he had to go already.

"I love you,"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I smiled, messing with him. "I love you too,"

We ended the call and I fell asleep on the couch, too exhausted to take a shower or go to my bed.

I'm finally updating y'all. I'm actually camping right now and its super duper late but I seriously needed to update. Hope you liked this chapter even though it was less sad than intended:( anyways goodnight loves
norman kisses

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