Chapter 13: Last Day

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Juliets POV:
My headache had lessened and my throat felt ten times better. Norman had made me eat my chicken noodle soup even though I kept swearing it would come back up. Now it was two hours later and I insisted we watch Me Before You. We were laying in bed, the covers pulled up to my chin.

Norman wasn't paying much attention to the movie but I didn't really care. He kept playing with my hair or petting Eye in the Dark who just happened to be laying on the bed with us. I fell asleep to the rhythm of Normans heartbeat


I awoke the next morning and Norman was smiling down at me. I couldn't tell if it was creepy or cute. "Good morning sleeping beauty, how'd you sleep?" I yawned and stretched before answering. "Good,"

"Are you feeling any better today?" His eyes full of lust and wonder. "I mean better then yesterday but I still feel kinda neausus," I answered truthfully. "Do you think you could keep a muffin down?"

"I don't know, but quite frankly, I don't really wanna find out," He gave me a firm kiss on the lips. "I guess it's back to chicken noodle soup then," He chuckled sitting up. "On second thought," I started. "Muffins sound pretty good right about now," I giggled. "Hmm, I guess I'll make you some,"

I took a quick shower and went into the living room. The blueberry muffins smelled so good and I couldn't wait to eat one. I sat down on the couch and pulled the foot rest up. I turned on the tv and clicked on the morning news. Same old, same old. It was forcasted to storm tonight. I loved thunderstorms. I suddenly felt two strong hands on my shoulders. My head snapped upward but I relaxed when I realized it was just Norman. "I'm starving, how much longer till' the muffins are ready?" I whined. "Aw my poor baby's hungry," He frowned and sat down on the couch next to me.

I looked over at him and felt a sudden rush of saddness come over me. It dawned on me that he was leaving tomorrow morning. I wouldn't get to see him for weeks and months on end. Juliet, you're going to be fine. Don't start crying now. It's okay. I just kept telling myself I'll be fine but I wasn't believing it. "Something up?" Norman was staring into my eyes now. I was locked under his gaze.

"Oh, uh, nothing," I smiled trying to shake it off. "Oh, uh , nothing my ass. What's on your mind? You can talk to me JJ," I didn't respond, I just stared blankly. The timer for the muffins went of thankfully and Norman got up. A few minutes later he came back to the room with a plate of four blueberry muffins. They smelled so incredible."Eat up," He mumbled sitting back down in his spot. I got the hint that he was upset with me. He got so mad when I lied to him. Like calm down, it's not that big of deal, but to him it was.

I didn't want him to stay mad at me. I hated when we were mad at each other. I took a deep breath and scooted over to where he was sitting. I wrapped my arms around him and laid down on his chest. He was taken back but soon started caressing my hair. "I'm sorry Norman," I apologized quietly. "It's alright babygirl. I hate feeling so distant from you. I want you to know you can always tell me what's on your mind, no matter what it is," He said. He rubbed his hands up and down my back.

"I love you,"

"JJ I love you more than all the stars in the sky," He cooed. For a moment I forgot he was leaving for Georgia tomorrow. Just for a millisecond, hell, a micro millisecond. But that micro millisecond was worth all the diamonds in the world.

I was on my fourth blueberry muffin when the news ended. "It's your day love, have any special requests?" Norman asked while taking the cupcake cup the muffin was in and folding it into a square. He flicked it onto the table and looked at me. I was laying down, my feet propped up on his legs, my head on a pillow at the other end of the couch. I really didn't have any plans other then to lay around all day.

"No," I finally answered. "I just wanna be with you,"

"Hmmm... we could go to central park and walk around?" He suggested looking at my face for a reaction. Central park sounded like a good idea, it's the walking park that wasn't so great. I ended up agreeing and we soon started our 45 minute journey to central park.


We had been walking around for what seemed like FOREVER when we saw Hilarie sitting alone at a fountain. We started towards her, waving to catch her attention. Norman had his left arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. I had on a pair of black shorts, a white tank top, and black sandals.

Hilarie stood, pulling me into a tight hug. "How have you been JJ?" After letting go, Norman pulled me back into the same position. "Eh, you know?"

"Yeah, I know that feeling," She answered, nodding her head in agreement. Norman glanced around, looking for Jeffrey I assumed. "Jeff around?" Norman finally asked. "Yeah he just took Gus to the bathroom,"

Almost as soon as Hil had finished talking, Gus and Jeff came running out of a port-a-potty. They were giggling all the way up to us. "My girl JJ!" Jeffrey exlaimed, pulling me from Norman, into a tight hug. "Huh uh uh," Norman protested, "My girl JJ," He said, pulling me back. "Well it just so happens she likes me more," Jeffrey smirked.

"Oh yeah?"


"Boys, boys, boys." Hilarie interrupted. "She obviously likes me more," Oh boy here we go again.

"Well for your information," I bent down to where Gus was standing. I looked from Jeffrey to Hil and then Norman. "This little man right here is my favorite," All of there mouths were agape. "Yeah boys, I'm her favorite," Gus used his thumbs and pointed at himself. I hoisted him onto my back, giving him a piggy back ride. "Meanie," Norman whined as we walked down the path.

We all stopped and ate, then headed back to Normans apartment. It was almost eight. Hilarie, Jeffrey, and Gus had all gone home leaving me and Norman alone.

Hi guys. Sorry it took so long to update, this turned into more of a filler chaper & its super short ugh. I feel like I've had writers block omg. Anyway I hope you guys are having a good summer break. (if you're on yours)
norman kisses

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