Chap. 2 my house.

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"Okay, I'll be back in a few hours at least if I don't come back after a day or two I'll most likely be dead." I paused.

"And Lori I want you to watch Mason." She nodded.


I've been walking because I didn't want to drive which was a bad decision I know.

I heard a cry and it sounded like a fucking baby are you kidding me. God Damnit their parents need to be more responsible.

Instead of using my ak47 I pulled my bow of my back and drew an arrow. I was walking and walking tell I found a little shed with 5 to 10 walkers outside it. One by one I took them out and went inside and saw a little girl she looks like she was just born. Her parents must've died just a few minutes ago.

"Shhh shh." I hushed the baby while she fell asleep in my arms.

I set her down and heard a thump up in the little room in the shed. I picked up the little baby and made a makeshift baby carrier with a blanket and put it on so she was right on my stomach.

(If you don't know what I'm talking about the picture is above)

"Hello?" I asked loading my Python since an Ak47 is too loud and I wouldn't be able to load my bow with a baby now attached to me.

"H-help!" Someone yelled before I heard a painful groan.

"Are you bit?" I asked.

"Yes, my h-husband bit me a-after I gave b-birth." I turned a corner and saw a women around 30 on a bed. With a bite mark on her calf.

"Ma'am what's your name? And is this your baby?" I asked the most obvious question. Obviously it's her baby dumbass.

"My names Abigail, a-and yes that's m-my baby. I-I haven't named h-her yet." The women said.

"Do you want to name her?" I asked Abigail.

"No. P-please put me down. Can you name her and be her mother please? Your strong you could be able to protect her for me." She said kinda pleading.

"I'll protect her with my life. She'll be happy with my son and I." She looked at me.

"Y-you have another c-child?"

"Yes, his name is Mason." I said like I gave birth to him. She nodded.

"Please taker care of her." I nodded indicating that I'll guard her with my life.

"What's you full name?" I asked Abigail.

"Abigail Janice Watson." She said.

"Close your eyes." She nodded closing her eyes.

"Abigail Janice Watson, I Give you Mercy." I said than pulled the trigger ending her misery. Good thing there is a silencer on my python or the baby would've been screaming and walkers from miles away would've heard it.


"Mason!?" I yelled entering camp.

"Mommy?!" I heard Mason yell. I saw him running with Lori right behind him.

"Be carful Champ, she's sleeping." I said as he tip-toed to me.

"I she my new baby sister?" I nodded he smiled.

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