Ash x reader

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Yes another pokemon black and white but it is my second favourine I like pokemon xy because my partner sylveon.

~~Your *POV*~~
I can't believe how long it's taking to get to Undella Town! I'm going because of the Junior Cup that's being hosted. I can't wait to see how strong my pokemon and me have become! While being pumped about that, I didn't notice that I had arrived. Once I did, I held in cheering. On the other hand, Piku, my Pikachu, started cheering from atop my shoulder. You see, Piku is on my shoulder because she doesn't like being in her pokeball. Then, I got the BIGGEST surprise.

"(Y/n)!!!" Ash called, running over and waving his hand in the air with a smile on his face.

"Ash!" I smiled. Ash and I are best friends, and have been since we were kids. We even got our first pokemon together.

"Pika pi!" Pikachu said, linking tails with Piku, who had jumped of my shoulder and onto the ground.

"Pi!" Piku replied, letting lose some electricity as a hello.

"Ash! Where'd you go?!"

"Over here!" Ash said, and then Cyntheia and two other people I don't know appeared.

"Hi Cynthea!" I said, waving.

"Hello there (Y/n). I guess I should have figured you'd come to compete in the Junior Cup." she laughed.

"Yup! You shoulda known." I laughed with her.

"So your name's (Y/n)?" asks a girl with black hair, and an Axew poking it's head out of her hair, near her shoulder.

"Yes, that's my name. What would yours be?"

"Oh! My name's Iris. I'm going to be a Dragon Master!"

"And I'm Cilan, a pokemon conisur."

"Nice to meet you Cilan and Iris. My name's (Y/n) and this is my partner Piku!" I said, and pet Piku's head. Piku had climbed back onto my shoulder.

"Pika!" Piku greeted, waving.

"It's nice to meet you too (Y/n)." Cilan and Iris said at once. Piku pouted, making Cilan and Iris to say nice to meet you to Piku too.

"What are you doing here Ash?" I asked, looking at him again.

"I'm here to train and compete at the Junior Cup!"

"Same with me!"

"Then why don't you stay at my vacation house with us?" Cynthea interrupted.

"Of course!" Ash and I then high-fived each other.

"Wanna battle?" We asked each other at the same time, laughing afterwards.

"Of course!"

"You should know me! Of course I want to battle!"

"Then let's go!" Then off we ran, going to a place where we could have a pokemon battle.

"I'll be the referee." Cynthea said, looking forward to the battle like everyone else.

"Wanna do a full on battle Ash?"

"Of course! I want to see how strong you've gotten!"

"Same to you!" Then the battle began.

"Unfezent, I choose you!"

"Come on out, Scout!" Ash's Unfezent and my Starapter burst out of their pokeballs and let out their battle cry. "Let's do this Scout!"

"Start!" Cynthea says, then retreats more towards Iris and Cilan.

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