Black x reader

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This was requested by Ruler_Of_the_Shadows  and it is okay because I like Black kind of I don't know but he is funny in the comics when he has a dream and then... wait I think I am thinking about Hareta oh my days why do I have so much stuff in my brain. I can't keep track of what I do. I DONT DO HOMEWORK oh well enjoy 😊

"Ever hear the story of these woods? A girl died right here right where we are," Black said trying to scare us. We had went to the woods on a camping trip. It was Black, White, N, Kyouhei, Hugh, and Mei with me on this trip. I was Black's friend and he invited me here. I was always so shy that I was usually left out of a lot of things.

"Shut up," White said having N hug her because he was already scared at this horror story. "No girl died in these woods, Black." I think right now she was scared and trying to play it cool because she didn't want anyone to know.

"Ahh but she did. It was a night just like tonight. Almost exactly like tonight. She was lost in these woods so she followed the Mandibuzz. So she followed them and followed them. She noticed the trees getting thicker and thicker on the sides. Fog soon rolled in slowly at first. After awhile she couldn't see the Mandibuzz anymore. She then heard a feint screech. Like when metal is scraped on metal," he said. Everyone then started to freak out.

"Black, stop," Kyouhei said. "There was no scraping metal."

"Oh, right," Black said. "So she was alone in the fog. She felt something following her but thought nothing of it. But when she thought that she should get home to her friends so she turned around. Then BOOM!" He yelled that and everyone but Kyouhei, Hugh and I jumped. "There was a face right in her face. All bloody red and decayed. She tried to get away but then it grabbed her and said, "That's a nice face you have." The monster killed her by slowly ripping her face off. After it had her face it wore it like a trophy and then started to take other body parts. Eating and wearing her skin."

After all that Mei and N were a mess. White acted like she was okay but she was scared. It was quiet after that and Black looked at me. "I guess it didn't work on who it was designed for. I thought you were afraid of horror things, (Y/n)."

"N-No," I said. "Horror don't really bug me and that was a weak story."

"Weak?!" Mei asked holding onto Hugh. "I almost peed myself. Hugh." Hugh calmed her down and then she was alright.

"Interesting," Black said. "I'll have to step up my game to scare you."

"S-Scare me?" I asked. "W-Why me?"

"Because," he said. "You by far are the hardest nut to crack. Kyouhei and I put that together the other night. I thought we did a good job on it."

"It's a horror cliché. Fog? Being followed? Unless a talented director makes it scary there is the chance it still won't be," I said and they stared at me. "S-Sorry."

"No, it's fine. I didn't know you were a horror fan," Black said with a smile. "You should speak up more often."

"Yeah why don't you speak up, (Y/n)?" Kyouhei asked.

"It just . . ." I tried to say.

"It's because she's unpopular," White said. "Why would she want to make a fool out of herself? I mean the only reason she's here is because Black invited her."

I got up and then left. I wasn't going to take that anymore. I heard Black yell at her but I couldn't make it out. I just went to the river we found earlier. It often relaxed me to watch the water types and the water move. It made me fell like everything was alright in the world. I held myself and looked out to it.

Sure I wasn't the most popular but still. I was a human being and had feelings too. I chose not speak because usually no one understood me. Either being too smart or just people didn't know what I was talking about. So then I usually kept to myself.

I felt a tap on my leg and looked up. It was Black. Why was he here? I moved over and he sat down. "Hey, sorry about White. She's just jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?" I asked. I didn't even realize I was crying but heard it in my voice.

"Of you. Ex-girlfriend rage of her ex falling in love with someone else," he said.

"So why is she taking that out on me?" I asked. "I'm not your crush."

"But you are," he said. I looked at him and then he was smiling. That silly goofy smile of his. He was serious I could tell his brown eyes of his. He could use those eyes to get whatever he wanted out of almost anyone. "You have been for a long time now."

"What?" I asked.

"Like back with what you said about the story, which amazed me. I love hearing your opinions. They're always so . . . different from everyone else. It amazes me so much. I love it. When you go against someone else. Get in a fight with someone because of your view? It's amazing," he said. "You're amazing, (Y/n)."

"I'm not. I'm just me," I said. "There's nothing amazing about me."

"But there is," he said. He then held my cheek and leaned down to kiss me. But before he did he said, "I really wish you saw that, (Y/n)." He then kissed me. His kiss was so warm and sweet. I felt so wanted and safe with him as he then held me. Like everything was alright in the world.

He then licked the bottom of my lip and I opened up. He swirled our tongues around in a wonderful dance. I moaned a little and he kissed me harder. I held onto his shoulders and he pushed me down and laid on top of me.

He backed up and then there was a string of saliva connecting us. I was panting like crazy and there were tears in my eyes. His brown eyes were glossy and he was panting pretty bad as well.

"B-Black," I asked.

"(Y-Y/n)," he said. "I like you so much."

"M-Me too," I said nervously.

He smiled and then said, "Let's get you back to camp. You can sleep in my tent tonight and I'll sleep in Kyouhei's with him."

"Alright," I said. "I really didn't want to sleep in the same tent as White."

"But before that I will get you with a horror story," he said dragging me back to camp. This was going to be a long night, I could tell.

Oh my days amazing two stories done today YASSSSSSSSS btw Kyouhei is Nate and Mei is Rosa and Hugh is Hugh

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