Kiawe x reader

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This was requested by  23StellaOrgana I know it is not valentine's day because that all the idea and I never made one which includes valentine's day lol and I am sorry for not updating this I had to know who this character was and plus I was busy with a lot of assignments.

You sit there staring at the valentines cards you made for all your friends. Sure, all of them took a long time to make, but the one you make for Kiawe must have taken hours... You flump down on your bed landing on your back. Ugh... I went from staring at cards to staring at the ceiling.. You sit up and gather all the cards. One for Mallow, Lana, Professor kukui, Lillie, and even Gladion. Standing up, you gently place them in your bag. You want to give Kiawe your special one, but if you do... Will he grow suspicious? Maybe even find out that you like him... You squeeze your [e/c] eyes shut and think. It's now or never (Y/n), it's now or never... You quickly scoop it up and place it in your bag among the others.
The first ones were easy. Professor Kukui took his in somewhat of a rush, probably trying to get back to his evening with his wife. Lillie was as sweet as ever, gladly accepting your handmade card. She even gave you some of her unneeded rare candies. You fed one of them to your (S/p). Gladion was a bit harder. He refused to open the door all the way because he wasn't it a good mood. He seemed to take all the bright colors as an insult, and slammed the door in your face. So you slid the card under.
But now... Now is Kiawe. It's scary to imagine it.. To imagine what could happen. He's years older than you, but... Not too much. What if he has someone else? What if you show up to his house to see that he has a girlfriend.. Prettier than you... Taller than you... Stronger Pokemon than yours... You can't stand the thought. I'll just go home. It was stupid to come here anyway!
You slowly raise up your hand to the door. Now or never.. Now or never... Part of you says never, but the other part says now.
"I can't do this.." You whisper, turning away from the door. You take a step back home when suddenly..
The lock clicks open.
"OH! Kiawe!" You whip around to face him trying your best to force down the blush. "I um- uh--" you pause trying to find an excuse to be at his front door. "I was... Um.."
Kiawe furrows his brows in confusion. "Huh?" But then his face lightens up again. He grins his pearly white toothed smile. "I'm glad I ran into you! I was planning on giving you this." He holds out a Valentine's Day card for you.
Happy Valentine's Day from your favorite Kahuana! -Kiawe
"What-- er-- thank you!" You stutter nervously. "T-this is amazing! I h-have one for- for you too.." Gee whiz, (Y/n), you need to get your act together or he's gonna think you're porky pig. You scold yourself. You hold out the card which he takes with awe.
"This is beautiful! It must've taken you hours.." He seems to stare at it with stars in his eyes.
"Nah. It was easy." You lie.
He doesn't question, smiling. "Would you like to come in? I've already invited some of the other kahuanas. Also Lillie. I was planning to ask you in person but if you're here then all the better."
Your muscles begin to tense. "Uhm.. I don't think I should--"
"I understand. Maybe you'd rather wait for everyone else." He sits down on his front step. The evening sun shines on his face as the sweet Alolan breeze ruffles his hair. "Would you like to sit down?"
You do so nervously, maintaining a comfortable distance. He smiles at you, then says, "(Y/n), I've been wondering.."
"Would you..." He pauses, not seeming very nervous, "I don't really know the proper way to phrase this, but.. Would you like to go out with me?"
Your body freezes yet your blood seems to rush at top speeds. You feel almost as if you're going light headed. "I... You- you're serious? This isn't some sort of joke---"
"No. I mean it." He says this sternly because it is simply in his personality. He searches your face with his dark eyes, "I mean it with all my heart.."
"Kiawe..." You whisper, "I'd love that." Without thinking you slowly bring your lips to his cheek, planting a small kiss there. Your lips linger for a little moment longer then you break away. Your face reddens in realization of what you just did. So you squeak, "I-- I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me--"
"Shhh..." He whispers, hints of a smile playing at his lips. "It's okay."
He brings himself towards you and you do the same to him, with one small kiss before the others arrive.

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