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Josh pov

I was sitting at the table thinking about who bored I was when I heard the door slam. I looked up to see what was going on and I realized Louis was gone. I was about to ask what happened when I heard Niall.

"You know he likes you," the blonde said.

I heard Harry mumble a yeah right before heading into the living room. I was beginning to think I was the only one who was able to see what everyone else was oblivious to. It was obvious that Liam liked Zayn, no one else could stand his laziness and Liam was always smiling at Zayn. Then again everyone saw that. But no one except Niall and I saw that Louis and Harry liked each other.

Annoyed with Harry sulking on the couch I decided to pull out my phone and text Louis.

ME: where are you what happened

After a few minuets my phone went off. Louis had texted back.

LOUIS: went 4 a walk Niall was being annoying.

We continued with our text conversation. For the most part it was normal, aside from both if us being pushy.

ME: you know Harry likes u right u need to talk to him.

LOUIS: I have tried but he won't listen.

ME: Maybe if you guys where alone he would.

LOUIS: whatever will u see if he will come get me then.

I ignored my phone for a minuet so I could talk to Harry. "Can you pick up Louis? He walked somewhere and doesn't want to walk back."

"Where is he?"

I decided the park was the most likely place for louis to go. "The park I think,"

I called since he couldn't read my mind.

Harry eagerly grabbed his hoodie and keys and left . I texted Louis and let him know that Harry was coming. Within seconds he responded and completely changed the subject. The new subject made me uncomfortable.

LOUIS: u bugged me I bug u


LOUIS: Niall likes you duh

ME: I doubt it

That's what I ended up saying thinking he would let it go. I was way wrong. I mean I adored the blonde Irish kid be I think he didn't feel the same, so Louis next text shocked me a little.

LOUIS: come on dumb ass he sits there and draws u. How do u not notice

I decided to see if he was right before responding. When I saw he was right I couldn't decide wether to be weirded out or happy.

ME: OMG your right. What should I do

LOUIS: hmmm I don't know... TALK TO HIM

Alright, hint taken, I thought to myself. I decided that since everyone else was busy now I would be a good time. I walked over to Niall.

"Hey," I said tapping his shoulder to get his attention. When he looked up I continued, "Ni you wanna go for a walk," I asked.

Niall stood up and stretched. "Sure," he said "just let me get my shoes on." With that we got ready and walked out the door. Niall with a smile on his face and me with a hundred different thoughts racing through my head.

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