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Zayn's pov

"Hey Liam," I whisper to the boy who had his head resting on my shoulder. He looked up signaling for me to continue. "Do we have to tell the others?"

His response caught me off guard. "I honestly think they know already Zaynie" I looked at him with confusion so he continued, " I think they always expected there was something between us and they where just waiting for us to admit it"

I nodded. I mean it did kind of make sense. I knew I acted lovey toward Liam so it was only a matter of time before the others guessed there was something.

"Then we should just tell them," the way I said it it came out as more of a question. Liam nodded.

"They haven't gotten mad yet so why would they now." He had a point but I still had a feeling of uneasiness. They may not be mad that were together but what if they're mad that we didn't tell them sooner, even though we just decided it was official I felt like we had been technically together and what if that's how they see it. There where just so many "what ifs" and I began to panic.

Next thing I knew Liam had me wrapped in his comforting embrace. He started patting my back and whispering soothing things in my ear in order to calm me. Once I was calm he told me everything would be fine and that we should tell them tonight.

He texted the others telling them that we all needed to talk. He got a reply back from all the boys saying they were all here. We decided we were going to gather in the living room and Liam and I were going to tell them about us. After Liam made me realize everything was going to go fine I was calm and decided I would do some of the explaining.

Liam and I walked down the stairs hand in hand. Once we got to the couch and sat down Liam released my hand and I shot him I confused look. He gave me a you'll see look. The boys started coming in and sitting in various places in the room.

It was quiet for a while before Harry spoke up, "what do you need to tell us mate?"

Since Liam calmed me down and told me everything was going to be ok, the last thing I expected was for him to get worried. But when looked over at him that's exactly what I saw. He kept wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans and he was shaking like a leaf. I took a deep breath and decided that it was up to me to give them the explanation.

A/N: I know this wasn't the greatest. I'm having a hard time figuring out where I'm going with this so I apologize if it makes no sense. Any way vote and comment ideas please. Love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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