Chapter One

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Sirius Black hated his home and all of the people living in it. His mother Walburger (Walburga) making it worse because she's constantly unfair to Sirius, always taking his brother Regulus' side over his own. Some people would call her a bad mother because she is favoriting one of her sons, but in her mind he deserves it. He betrayed their family and he deserved anything that bad that happens to him. Sirius no longer minded spending his time at the Grimmauld Place as much as he had before, being used to being called cruel names 24/7. He just ignores it now not really caring, but it was the fact they they had the audacity to talk about his closets friends right in front of him that pissed him off.

"Oh yes mum, you should see them, those Gryffindors they love to associate themselves with muggle borns, they're absolutely disgusting in my opinion." Regulus tells his mother during their family dinner.

"Nobody cares about your opinion Regulus." Sirius growls.

"Young man do not talk to your brother that way." Walburga scolds.

"Why is it that Regulus may disrespect my friends, but I cannot say ANYTHING ABOUT HIS." Sirius yells his anger getting worse by the second.

"Calm down boy." Sirius father Orion says "It is not Regulus' fault that you choose to be friends with filthy half breeds."

"DO NOT SAY THAT ABOUT THEM." Sirius yells. No longer able to control his anger he slams his hands on the table.

Walburga drops the utensil in her hand and it falls on her plate with a clank "I've had enough of you Sirius go to your room, NOW."

The boy stands up his chair scratching against the wood floor "Fine, but don't expect to see me till Christmas."

The rest of the Blacks sat at the dinner table not questioning what he just said, quite frankly not really caring what happens to him. Sirius has had enough, James Potter only lives a couple miles away and he hopes that his best friend doesn't mind that he just shows up at his doorstep. Sirius opens his door to his very large room to reveal that it's not as full of color as it should be. In his defense it's only gloomy and dark because his parents would not allow him to paint his room Gryffindor colors, so he just simply left it the same boring dark grey color it always has been.

He lets out a big sigh and throws himself on top of his bed. Across Sirius' large room stood a mirror and he glances forward for a second looking at himself, being grateful because he looks nothing like Regulus (seeing as he had always been the more attractive Black) instead of having dark short hair like his brother, Sirius had long dark curly hair that perfectly frames his face. In actuality the only thing that the two boys had in common was their eye color, other than that they had nothing else in common. They aren't even in the same houses at Hogwarts, Regulus being in Slytherin and Sirius being in Gryffindor. You'd never guess which house his family favored the most (Slytherin obviously). Frustrated, he stands up and starts packing all of his things messily; then roughly he grabs his trunk and storms out of the house slamming the door behind him.

Once he is outside the warm summer breeze blows his hair out of his face (like the model that he is). Being outside is just what he needed because he has started to calm down, a big part of it being because he was going to reunite with his best friend once again.

They met at their first year of Hogwarts and became friends almost instantly and they made other friends of course, but it was safe to say that people thought that Sirius and James were the pranksters of the school. But what most people didn't know was that Remus Lupin was the mastermind behind it all. He was the one who had to meticulously plan every single detail so it was rather difficult for the boys to get caught. Sometimes they would get caught and that would not be Remus's fault it was almost always Peter Pettigrew's (for good reason too, he's a little shit).

The boys would plan something almost to perfection, but fail because Peter forgets a minor detail that leads for the rest of the plan to fail miserably. That did not end well for the small blonde boy at all. In detention the other boys (Mostly James and Sirius) would throw things at him when the professor was not looking, but they have done things a lot worse like when he messed up so bad that the other boys didn't talk to him for a week straight. The only reason Remus gave in was because Peter gave him the one thing that Remus loves the most, chocolate.

Sirius chuckles at the memory, Remus is sat in the middle of the floor in their dormitory innocently eating a chocolate bar. James and Sirius don't know what he was doing, but don't question it. They start to have a conversation until Remus interrupts it "YOOUU know guys... we should forgive Peter we all make mistakes, don't you think he has had enough?"

The two boys look at eachother and James said "Merlin Remus, I guarantee you that someone could get you expelled from school, but they give you a chocolate bar and all is forgiven."

Remus gave them a toothy smile "That fact I will not deny."

The three of them ended up telling Peter that they are sorry for not speaking to him for so long all because of a chocolate bar. Sirius smiles as he really misses his friends, they are always there for him no matter what; even when he is at his worst. He can not wait for three weeks, when the Marauders will be at Hogwarts together once again. Throughout his summers after he met his best friends that was what kept him together, the fact that he would be able to see his friends again. He did have to wait all those months because surprisingly, Sirius doesn't have an owl, so he can't write to his friends all the time, although his parents have more than enough money to buy him one they refuse to, not really having a valid reason why. So he always has to use James' owl. Thankfully James doesn't mind always willing to let his friend steal his owl once in awhile.

Sirius has been walking for a while and he doesn't know how long, but his legs start to ache as well as his arms. Pulling a heavy trunk for a little over 6 miles is not easy, so reasonably the boy takes a small break. He opens his trunk pulling out a water bottle and taking a drink. He sits on his trunk and takes a look at his surroundings assuming he is close because he is by the all too familiar houses, it was hard to tell because it has gotten a lot darker since he left, but he was sure that he was close.

He starts to get nervous not knowing how James and his parents are going to react seeing him there all of a sudden. Pushing away all of the nervousness he stands up and puts his water bottle back into the trunk.

He continues on his journey once again, smiling as the place he calls home comes into view (including Hogwarts of course). He slowly reaches the very cozy two story home smiling the whole way. He stops at the porch, reassuring himself that he will be fine and knocks at the door. He hears the voice of Euphemia Potter yelling at James to get the door. Sirius hears a faint groan and he chuckles, James has always been lazy when it comes to getting up to do actual things.

Sirius hears footsteps getting close and his heart starts to fill up with excitement "Mum I was getting there I'm sure they're still at the do- SIRIUS" James opens the screen door then jumps on top of his best friend which causes Sirius to lose balance and he falls to the ground pulling James with him, but the two boys don't seem to care about that at the moment, as they are still hugging eachother like they havent seen eachother in years. "When- how- why are you here Padfoot." James stands up giving Sirius his hand to help him up as well.

"I got into a fight with my parents, I was sick and tired of my family, I'm sorry Prongs I should have waited to tell you, I can walk back home, Merlin what was I-."

"Sirius, shut up your rambling honestly you're okay, you act like my parents would care you're like their second son."

Sirius lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and gives James another hug "It's been too long Potter"

James hugs him back then looks down at his friend and says "Way to long Black now get your ass inside I'm sure my parents would love to see you."
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, in the photo in order is James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Also the person who is Sirius' visual in this story is someone who cosplays him on Tumblr, you guys should totally follow them: asktheboywholived, all credit goes to that beautiful creature.

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