Chapter Seven

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It was Sunday which meant that tomorrow the boys will have to show up to their classes as girls. All of the their professors knew of the situation, only they know because Dumbledore does not want the word spreading out what happened to the boys because he fears that the school would go into a frenzy pointing fingers left and right. James so far was the only one who was truly freaking out.

"What are we going to?" James panics sitting on their beds in the dorm rooms realizing that it was Sunday. 

The rest of the boys were calm, not really minding being girls. "Prongs we're going to be fine," Sirius reassures, "How hard can it be?"

Turns out that Sirius was very wrong indeed, that day they decided that they should actually leave the dorms because someone can only handle so much of being trapped in a room all day.  They walk out of the room trying to be as confident as they can, keeping their heads up high and ignoring the stares from the boys and girls. No one knows who they are, so naturally they all stare not knowing what else to do; someone must know who the four girls are. Unfortunately for them no one did know, but by noon everyone knew that there were four new Gryffindors girls.

For such an exceptionally large school word does get around fast because the boys were minding their own business by a tree that was on right by Black Lake when a group of guys come up.

"What do we have here?" a Gryffindor 7th year says, with his 2 other friends by his side. 

"Um, do we know you?" Sirius questions.

"No, but I sure do know you," the Gryffindor boy says checking him out.

Remus looks up from his book, "I can assure you, that you do not."

"And who are you?" the Ravenclaw boy on the right side of the Gryffindor calls.

"That's none of your damn business, why don't you just leave?" James growls, getting up, being very protective over his friends.

"And ruin our fun, Merlin no." the Slytherin on the left says. Peter hides behind James wanting to avoid this at all cost "Why are you hiding, baby? We just want to get to know you."

"We obviously don't want to get to know you. Do you even know what no is, or are you just too stupid?" Sirius sasses.

"Why you little," the Slytherin whips out his wand and points it to Sirius, although before Sirius can pull out his own a black Ravenclaw boy comes rushing down by the tree.

"Hey leave them alone, didn't you hear? They don't want to talk to you."

"Why don't you mind your own business Carter?" the other Ravenclaw boy says.

"You are harassing four girls asshole, I can't just sit there and watch." Carter walks up closer getting in front of Sirius, nodding to him signaling that he's just there to help. "Just leave and no one gets hurt."

"Oh yeah? How are you going to hurt us there are three of us and one of you?" The Gryffindor says nudging his Ravenclaw friend, laughing.

"Actually, there are five of us." James comes from behind Carter having his wand out the rest of the 'girls' doing the same. The marauders point their wands to the three boys in front of them "One more word and we will not hesitate to hex you fucking gits, just walk away."

The three boys slowly back away being slightly frightened, they put up their hands in defense running once the the boys/girls, are out of sight. "Are you girls okay?" Carter questions, showing them genuine concern.

"Yes, oh thank you," Peter runs towards Carter pulling him into a tight embrace.

"You're.... erm welcome," Carter says taken by surprise because of the small blonde girl hugging him.

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