Chapter Two

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Sirius is the first to wake up the next morning, groaning lowly and stretching. He looks down to James, who is still sound asleep on the floor before rubbing his eyes and looking to the clock. He flops back onto the pillow, as it was 6 a.m. and he didn't exactly want to be up just yet. With a shake of his head, he rolls over and climbs out of bed. He nudges James with his foot, cause if he was awake then so was he. The black haired boy stirred before rolling over and snuggling up to his pillow. Sirius rolled his eyes and nudged him again. "Wake up James, if I have to be awake then so do you." He nudged him a final time before he finally turned to give him a glare over his shoulder.

"You better have a good reason as to why you're waking me up at the ass crack of dawn Black."

"I didn't think I needed a reason as I'm your best friend, Potter." He chuckles as he sits beside him on the floor. "I needed company."

"You can get your company when it's not six in the bloody morning, good night." He gave him a tired smile before rolling over and promptly going back to sleep.

Sirius lets out a soft huff before climbing back into the bed, staring up at the ceiling with his fingers laced over his stomach. He closed his eyes, doing his best to go back to sleep and wait for the drowsiness to overcome him. He opened his eyes with sigh, getting out of bed of bed and padding his way to the back door.

He stood outside, the cool London breeze nipping at his skin. He looks out to the horizon, seeing the sun already coming up and sitting down on of many chairs. He leans back, soon hearing footsteps walking towards him. Looking up he sees a disheveled looking James who is giving him a slight glare. "I couldn't go back to sleep."

Sirius shrugs, looking back to the horizon. "Now who's fault is that, hm?"

James mumbles to himself before nudging Sirius and sitting beside him. They sit in a comfortable silence as they watched as the sun rose. "So are we just going to sit here and watch the sun or are we actually going to do something."

"A tired Potter is a grumpy Potter huh?" Sirius chuckles softly before standing as James continues to stare at him. "Yes we're doing something, just a bit too early obviously."

James groans, shaking his head and standing with Sirius. "I'd totally kick your ass Black if it wasn't so bloody early."

The two teens go back inside quietly, James forcing himself to go back to sleep as he was not going to stay awake until it was a semi decent time. Sirius simply opened his trunk, taking out one of the many books he brought along with him to pass the time as James got a little more sleep.


"Sirius, wake up mate, it's almost one in the afternoon."

Sirius groans loudly, rolling to his side and the book he had in his lap falls to the floor. He opens his eyes to see James standing above him, picking up the book and setting it on the bedside table. "Did you hear me? Wake up, you were the one who wanted to go out and do stuff."

He just groans again, rising slowly and rubbing his eyes. "Yeah... alright whatever. Just, let me get dressed then we can go walk around the city?"

James nods, leaving the room for Sirius to get dressed. He'll get back at him for waking him up at six a.m., but today was not that day. He waits impatiently downstairs as he stared at the clock on the wall. "Let's go Black! Want to leave when it's still daylight out."

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