Chapter Eight

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Carter became a quick friend to the 'girls', him telling bothering six and seven year boys to buzz off. Even though he was a Ravenclaw, he always found himself in the Gryffindor common room during most of his free time. He mostly walked Peter to his classes, making it so the boys didn't bother him and acting as though his personal bodyguard. Peter didn't mind all that much, as he was one to avoid any and all confrontation. Of course the other boys got their fair share of flirtation, but their one concern was Peter. Besides him, Sirius got a lot of attention as well, much to Remus' dismay.

He would have to sit and watch him flirt with other guys, not doing anything as it was not his place. Usually, he'd get up and avoid the situation altogether by going to the library, but lately Sirius has began to notice. Without Remus' presents, his conversation became null-and-void as he wanted Remus. He'd excuse himself from the conversation and go sit with Remus. So now, Remus stays and endures listening to Sirius' laugh and feel his blood boil. He tries his best to keep his head down in his studies, but it doesn't always work. When he looks up, his heart would always race as he looked at his beauty. Sirius has always been beautiful in Remus' eyes, but as a girl he was absolutely stunning. Now, everyone is swooning over him and it makes Remus furious.

In the Gryffindor common room Remus feverishly taps his quill on his paper, doing his best to tune out the loud talking between Sirius and a Ravenclaw sixth year. He grips the quill, turning his head and giving them a hard glare. James nudges him and gives him a concerned look, following his gaze before turning back to him. "You alright Moon?'

He lets out a sigh, turning his body back around to the parchment in front of him, loosening his grip on his quill before he continued writing. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

James shrugs, turning to look over to Sirius and the Ravenclaw boy. "It's Sirius... isn't it?"

He let's out a dry chuckle, side glancing over to him, "How could you tell?"

"I'm not blind, Remus. I see the way you look at him, even before the transformation. You like him, don't you Remus." James says, giving him a reassuring smile, letting him know that it was okay if he did.

Remus looks back to Sirius for the final, pursing his lips together before putting his quill down and nodding. He taps on the parchment, smiling softly to himself. "Yeah... I do and I know he doesn't reciprocate the feelings. So what I can do is sit and watch... and I'm okay with it."

"No you're not, I know you're not. You don't want anyone looking at him the way you look at him, girl or not. Am I right?"

He nods, standing and stuffing all his books and such into his bag. He looks to Sirius, who was too engross in the conversation to notice. He lets out a sad sigh before leaving the common room and making his way to to library. He bites his lower lip, nodding to the painting who all greeted him politely. Rushing into the library, sitting in the farthest desk and dropping all of his things.

Was his feeling for Sirius that obvious to everyone? Does Sirius know or his he too bloody oblivious to his feelings. Either way, he needed to get out of that situation before he did something he was going to regret. He takes out his journal, flipping to the back and smiling at the outline of Sirius he made on the train. He began to work on it, trying to think back and continue where he left off.

He heard one of the chair scrape back against the wood, he looks up from the drawing to see a grinning Lucas. Remus returns the smile, closing the journal and stashing it in his bag. "Hey, what's up?"

"Well, it seemed like you were sad and I wanted to make sure that you were okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Remus smiles at the offer, nodding and shaking his head with a light chuckle. "It's nothing, just... boy problems."

"Well, whatever is happening or has happened, I hope you resolve it," He smiles, standing and giving him a heartfelt hug. "If you ever need me, just look for Conner. I'll more than likely be with him."

He watches him walk out of the library, smiling and pulling out the journal once more. It was nice to know that he had someone else to speak his mind to beside the Marauders. Merlin knows that they can't keep secret to save their lives. Picking up his quill, he restarted his drawing of Sirius. He felt his heart flutter with every stroke, smiling as the drawing really came together.

He didn't how late it had gotten until he looked up from his journal and see the sun had gone down. He stretches, standing from his seat and walks out of the library. The halls were nearly empty besides the few scattered students rushing passed. They wave at him, him waving politely back. He says the password to the painting and walks into the common room. The boys look up from the couch, Remus catching Sirius' eye. He nods to them, sitting beside him with a smile.

They sit in silence for a while before Peter speaks up. "You have fun in the library?" He gives Remus a smile despite the obvious tension in the room.

"Yeah? Did I miss something?"

James and Peter look to Sirius, who gives them a look before shaking his head with a small smile. "Nah, nothing really happened." Remus glances up at James and Peter, before nodding slowly and starting for their room.

"Where are you going?" James asks. Remus points up the stairs and disappears into their room. They all turn back to each other, Sirius sinking into the couch.

"Did I do something wrong? I feel like he's avoiding me..." he mumbles, playing with the hem of his shirt. James shrugs, looking to Peter with a knowing look.

"Maybe you should ask him if he is, he's probably just tired." He gives Sirius a reassuring smile before turning to Peter who begins talking about the interaction he had with a girl, but Sirius was paying no attention.

Was Remus upset with him? He noticed that he was a bit quieter around him and he gets up and leaves the room a lot. He really doesn't want him to leave, so he does his best to involve him in the conversation he's having, but he just shrugs it off and continues to work on whatever he working on. It was usually Transfiguration homework or doodling, but it wasn't anything that needed to be done at that moment in time. He bites his lip as he thinks, tapping his leg anxiously.

What could it be? It had to be staring at him right in his face, it couldn't be that hard. He shakes his head, tuning into the conversation as if he didn't have anything else on his mind. "But she was really nice and sweet, unlike the others that have come up to me..."

"Yeah? Is she pretty?" James asks, nudging his arm gently. He nods with a small blush.

"Super pretty, she has really pretty eyes and nice hair and she's just..." he sinks into his chair with a wild grin. "Really really pretty."

"I'm happy for you Pete, hopefully we get to meet her soon." Sirius smiles, squeezing his shoulder gently.

Peter smiles, nodding to Sirius as he continued on about how pretty she was. An idea popped into his head as he was thinking of ways to try to get Remus to talk to him. "Hey, I have an idea, why don't we invite the guys over?"

"But it's late, won't they be asleep, plus it's Sunday?" Peter asks, looking over as Sirius stand. He shakes his head with a smile.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Come on, let's go get them," he holds his hand out to Peter , who takes it hesitantly and gets dragged up from the chair and out of the common room, leaving a very confused James.

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