Chapter 10

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Song I was listening to while writing:Survivor-Destiny's Child(I know it's old)

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Carter Mallory Stensory

It still hadn't sunken in,the fact that I was having twins that is.I mean sure,I had proof and everything but I just couldn't understand it.At all.I always have moments like that.

It's been three days since the scan and I still haven't found it in me to tell Kate,she still raised me so it's still slightly scary.

My hands were shaking as I walked into school,yes school.It was Monday.The whole school knows about my pregnancy now,Logan decided to around and tell everyone.I couldn't deal with him right now,he knows about the twins however.

It confused me a little,the fact that everyone knows and that I'm having twins.Why me?Why twins?Why now?Why not when I'm eighteen?Or twenty-two?

Life sucks.

The innocent club,as they were known,were giving me horrid stares;scary stares actually.

The football team were biting their lip as they looked at me,as if I was a piece of meat.Ew.Who do they think they are?

As I passed Logan I made sure to glare at him,what?He left he with his twins.You would do the same,hun.

My grip tightened on my bag as the bell rang,indicating it was time for maths.Mental Abuse To Humans.

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As the teacher started rambling on about goodness knows what I felt my mind wondering to how mom must've felt.I wonder if Luke stayed with her,I mean he must've considering they're together now.I wish that would be Logan and I.Mom and dad seem to have a perfect relationship,I guess it's all about what goes on behind closed doors.

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Once I got home Kate screamed my name,wait I knew that voice.She was drunk.As I walked into the living room I saw glass bottles scattered everywhere,Kate lying on the couch.

"What are you doing?You know you can damage the baby."I snapped,that baby was my little sister I guess.Either way I cared about it.Kate stood from the couch,coming over to me and pushing against the wall as she groaned in frustration.

"The baby's dead,"She spat."And now I'm going to take yours from you."

A smirk covered her face as I began screaming,punching and kicking at anything.Anything but my babies.

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Hai hai.sorry I didn't update yesterday,family problems guys.Sorry it's short too!

Today was the worst,I got chewing gum stuck in my hair :'(

The song at the top I'm still listening too,I don't usually do that but this song goes with the chapter.Logan and Carter ;)

Anywho drama is coming,as you can probably tell.

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-Mia x

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