Chapter 5

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Carter Mallory Stensory

It's been a week since everything happened and,to be quite honest,it's all been hitting me quite hard;It was a lot to take in on one day.This week has basically consisted of non-stop sickness,which isn't the best of fun.Mom has kept me off school all week,considering she hasn't been drunk she's been noticing things a lot more recently and it sucks a little because I need to graduate before the baby's born;Even I know I won't be able to finish school after the baby is born.I haven't spoke to Logan since last week but I'm just putting it down to me not being at school,yet he could visit if he wanted to.I still haven't got over the fact that I had a little sister and in the past week I've learnt quite a bit about her,most importantly how she died.Cancer.I can't really say anything more about it because it pains me to talk about it but it was too far on to be helped.

"Carter!"Even through the headphones,that I'd recently grown very fond of,I could hear her shouting."Can you come down a minute,please?"The fact that she says please still shocks me,even through the week she's been saying it it still shocks me;considering she hasn't said it to me for two years.

I slipped the headphones from my ears and put my music on pause before standing up from my bed and walking downstairs.Mom was sitting in the kitchen,to my surprise Logan was there with her.Shit.

"Logan?"I questioned as soon as I walked through the door.

"I brought your work from the past week."He kept his head down,avoiding both mine and my mom's gaze.

"Oh,"I paused for a minute,not knowing what to say."Well thanks."Logan just nodded in acknowledgement,still keeping his head down.

"Logan was just telling me about what happened between you two last week,why the school rang and told me you weren't in to be exact."My heartbeat picked up and nausea suddenly swept over me,making the room spin.I mumbled and excuse me and put my hand over my mouth as I ran to the sink,emptying the contents of my stomach into it before washing my mouth and rinsing the sink.

"That's why you've been ill,isn't it,Carter?"No words would leave my lips so I just nodded,keeping my head down this time.I couldn't believe Logan told my mom about the pregnancy,how stupid is he?"You could've just told me,I wouldn't have been mad."

'Yes you would.'

It's true though,she would.A sigh left my lips,it could've been much worse if my mom wasn't there.I was ready to murder Logan.

"Why didn't you just tell me you ate some dodgy food?"What?

"Sorry."I mumbled,that being the only word I could manage to get out.Logan didn't tell her.Thank god.

"Logan you can stay for a while if you wish,just go with Carter upstairs so I can finish making dinner."Logan nodded and grabbed his stuff before heading up the stairs,me grabbing my stuff before following him.

+ + + + +

+ + + + +

An hour has passed and Logan has been helping me with my homework,not once saying a word about our baby.

"Carter,I've been thinking."He set his pen down and crossed his legs on my bed as I looked up at him,brining my knees to my chest and hugging them.

"Me too."

"I don't think I can do this,you know be a dad?I'm not ready."Excuse me,what?

"Oh I see,I have to live with this and you just get to fuck off and leave me even though this is both out faults."Fucking bastard.

"You can get rid if you want,I don't want anything more to do with you or the baby.I'm sorry."He started packing up his stuff while I sat there speechless.Once he was done he went and opened my bedroom door.


"You know you're a bastard?I hope you never find another girlfriend because no one deserves to be stuck with a prick like you."I spat,Logan looked shocked but he didn't say anything back.He just left.

Tears started rolling down my cheeks as I realised I would be alone in this,that is until I tell mom.

+ + + + +

Alright this is short-ish but I wanted to get this up.I have a lot of homework to do and I'm ill :'(

Anyways thank you for all the votes,comments and reads!!!This is insane for me!

I've been going through quite a lot lately and the comments and votes and everything are making me feel better.

I also want to let you guys know that if you ever need me I'm here,I've probably been through it all at one point anyways.Don't forget that.i won't judge you,I'll just give you advice and no one else will know :)

Remember to vote,comment and share!

QOTC:Do you think Logan made the right choice?

-Mia x

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