Chapter 1

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Carter Mallory Stensory

My hands shook as I walked through my house door,the bruises on my wrist still haven't faded from yesterday.

"Carter!"Mom screamed my name and I flinched,I knew that voice.She was drunk,it wouldn't be the first time this week either.

Before I could stop myself my feet were carrying me into the kitchen,where mom was standing leaning against the counter;a man kissing her neck.It disgusted me to be honest,that she actually does this in front of me.

"Where have you been?"Her tone was questioning and teasing,almost as if she knew I was dreading to come home.

"L-Logan asked me to stay back."My tone was quiet,nothing more than an whisper.Logan was my boyfriend,yes my boyfriend.

"And who exactly is Logan?"I could see the darkness starting to appear in her eyes,taking over her.

"My f-friend."The stutter just came naturally when I was nervous,I wished I would sound confident but I just couldn't at this exact point and time.

"Friend?"She tossed her head back and laughed,the man groaning as she grabbed him.As much as I was dying to tell her to get a room I knew I would just get hurt if I did."Come on Carter,I wasn't born yesterday."

'I wish you were.'A short sigh left my lips,mom's eyes becoming completely dark.

"You've been messing around with this friend haven't you?"Her tone was teasing again,she knew didn't she?Shit.She knew about what happened between me and Logan.Please don't know.Please don't.

"N-no."The man was suddenly pushed away from her,him groaning in response.She stalked towards me,me backing up until I hit the wall.She smirked once I hit the wall,her whole face being torrential to the head.

"Has little Carter got herself a boyfriend?Where is he now,eh?He isn't here to protect you now."Her face was now close to mine,her alcohol breath fanning my face.My heart race increased,hammering against my rib cage.

"I'll show him."A punch was blown to my stomach and I doubled over,clutching my stomach tightly.My head hung low in front of me,hair falling over my face as if it was hiding me from the rest of the world.

Her left hand grabbed my right wrist,digging her nails in tightly;I barely flinched at the contact as I was so used to it by now.Two years of this to be exact.

She pushed me down,her hand now living to my hair and fisting it tightly.A small yelp left my lips as she pulled it so hard my head fell back,feeling as if my neck was going to snap.Kicks were hitting my body,all over.The pain was excruciating,yet my stomach was hurting beyond words.Her knee came into contact with my face before she spat on me,going back to the man she was with earlier and leaving me crumpled and bleeding on the floor.

My whole body was shaking,tears threatening to fall from my eyes.I couldn't believe all of this was happening,not all at once at least.I used my hands to push me up from the floor,standing on my shaking legs and limping upstairs quickly and quietly.My arms were wrapped around my stomach the whole time,attempting to rub the pain away but failing.

As I entered my room I took the few extra steps to my bed I collapsed onto it,tears starting to stream down my cheeks.My whole body was shaking but I didn't even care,I just wanted this pain in my stomach to go away.

+ + + + +

+ + + + +

The next day I awoke at six am,washing my hair before tying it up in a simple pony tail.Make-up covered up my bruise on my eye and mascara coated my eyelashes to make me look more alive.A long sleeved top covered my arms and wrists,a pair of jeans covering my legs and my scruffy converse on my feet.A plain grey jacket was over my top and my school bag pack was on my back.I glanced at myself once more in the mirror before leaving the house,as silently as I could possibly manage.

This morning wasn't really the best of mornings,I woke up to be greeted by yesterday's little lunch coming back up and a ton of bruises.My stomach is the worst though,it got me thinking to be honest.

If I have to be completely honest Logan and I have,well you know,done the deed.What if I'm pregnant?I couldn't be though,could I?We used protection so there's no chance,I don't think anyways.Maybe I should ask Logan but won't he leave me?That's what usually happens.

Jack Myers got Mia Richardson pregnant and he left her,she got rid of the baby though.By adoption I believe.

What if it happens to me?Logan loves me though,doesn't he?

Ugh,I can't deal with this right now.

As I walked through the school gates my name was being called behind me,by none other than Logan.He placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey beautiful."He whispered in my ear before kissing the spot below it,making me blush slightly.It was good to feel wanted for once.

"Hey."Although I really wanted to I refused to meet his gaze,he would know something was wrong if I did.

"What's wrong,babe?"

"Just thinking about something."

"Tell me,baby."His hand linked through mine,intertwining them.His thumb rubbed small circles in the back of my hand,just like mom used to do when I was five;Before all the abuse started.

"Logan,"I started,trying to find the words to say this."I-I."Logan stopped in his tracks and turned to face me,pulling me towards the bushes.

"Tell me please."His eyes and voice were pleading,I sighed before attempting to tell him once more.

"I think I may be pregnant."Logan's eyes went wide and I heard the school bell ring but neither of us moved,not knowing what to say.

"Carter,"This was it,the rest of my life depended on this."I want to be here for you and I think we should go and get this tested and spend the day together."I couldn't help but smile,he wasn't leaving me."We'll be ok."With that he brought me into a hug,holding me tighter than he ever has.

"I love you."Thing was,I don't think I could say that back and he knew this.He understands me at least.

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Oh wow.I feel like this is intense or something.

Anyways what do you think?Good?Bad?Ok?Comment?

So this is moving fast-ish but I really don't want this story to go on forever because I have a lot of school work and stuff now so I'll update when I can.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.


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