Chapter One

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Hey everyone! My first story....oh god its going to be bad don't judge my writing skills!

Emma's povo~

"Louis wo-would you you like-e to go on a da-date with me?" I asked hesitantly. Louis Tomlinson looked me up and down taking in my messy bun, old Cornell sweatshirt, navy blue jeans, and dirty white converse. "Go on a date....with you?" "Umm....ya." He opens his mouth thinking he was going to answer my question but instead I was given a bucket full of laughter. "Hahahaha go on a date with you! Your a fucking outcast! I ain't going on any date with you!" Louis says back in a fit of laughter and choking. My cheeks fluster with a deep shade of red and I felt the tears that were slowly making their way down my face. I looked to the ground as my tears splattered to the cold, grey pavement below us. Louis was still laughing as I looked at him with red, puffy eyes. His tan skin and sharp ocean blue eyes were a blur in my teared ones. How could someone so beautiful, be such a horrible person?

*beep beep*
*beep beep*

"What jus-just hap-happen?" I panted out with tears still running down my flustered cheeks. It was 6:30 am and I had to get to school in a hour. "Fuck, it was just a dream." I sighed in relief as I fell back down on to my pock-a-dotted bed spread that I had since I was 10. My names Emma Austin, 17 years old, and a school outcast at Beverly Hills High. I'm an outcast. And all I can say is that it sucks. Yes, I do have friends, their the other outcast and we all sit together at our little lunch tables basically invisible to everyone else at school. Not only am I an outcast, I'm an outcast who as the biggest crush on the captain of the basketball team, the teenage heart throb, Louis Tomlinson. I'm pretty sure the word "crush" is an understatement. I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson. Ah yes, much better. I've fancied Louis for the past 3 years now ever since the day I met him in drama class freshman year. Unlike me, Louis immediately gained popularity when he made it on the high school varsity basketball team, being the only freshman ever to do so. He deserved though. For the 3 past years not once did he ever miss a free throw, not ever. I bet your wonder how I know this. Well, I've been to every basketball game and practice ever since he made the team. And I feel so proud when he keeps improving everyday. I'm not a stalker ok! I'm just a..umm...I'm not a stalker alright! I just love watching him play, he's so graceful, and gorgeous, and hot and I just can't even -.

"EMMA ROSE AUSTIN!" screamed my Irish best friend Niall Horan. I looked to blonde blue eyed leprechaun. "What?" I snapped back. I hated when people called me by my full name. "Your drooling again." I looked down and there indeed was a small puddle of drool gathering on the lunch table. "Em, that's distugusting! I know you love Louis and all but you need to stop being so obvious I mean look at yourself! Your intensive staring alone is creepy and the wa- ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?" "Nope" I replied cheekily as Niall sent me a glare. I winked at him, and started eating my sandwich which had been untouched for most of lunch because I was daydreaming...again.

-After Lunch-

As lunch ended, I gathered my binders and headed off to my 5th period class, Math, which was the best class ever! Not just being I was amazing at math, but because it was one of my 2 classes I had with Louis! As I grabbed my binder, I felt a presence on my right. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a mop of brown hair and brown eyes that I hoped I wouldn't see today. Tom Parker, one of Louis' basketball team mates, a senior, and my bully. Ever since freshman year, Tom has found a way to make my life at school a living nightmare. I have no idea what I did to make him hate me but apparently he wants me died.

"Hey freak," Tom sneered at me. I gulped and slowly turned to him. "Still hoping that Louis will notice you, you fucking disgust me, the way you were drooling during lunch." I looked to him wide eyed blushing hard. "Wh-what are you talking about." I manage to sputter out. "Of please bitch, you really think no one would have noticed that." Tom slammed is fist against the locker nearly cutting off my head. I flinched, scared he was going to hit me. "TOMMMMMMMMYYYY" squealed a high pitch voice. Tom immediately moved away from me and turned to the tall, model like, brunette slut walking towards us. Kendall Jenner was Tom's girlfriend this week. "Tommy where have you been?' she purred as she wrapped her pale skinny arms around him and started making out with him. "Gross, gross, gross, gross" I said to myself, as I slipped by them and ran down the hallway before Tom noticed I was gone. 

As I rounded the corner trying to get some distance between me and Tom, I smashed head first with a random body dropping all the stuff that I was carrying. "Shit!" I cursed as I squatted down to pick up the mess that was now scattered around the hallway. I haven't even been paying attention to the random body I had ran into until a pair of tan hands picked up my math book. I looked up and gulped. I felt redness rushing to my cheeks. It was none other than Louis Tomlinson. "Sorry love, I wasn't looking where I was going." he said softly as he handed me my book. All I could was nod because I was to caught up in looking in his sharp blue eyes. "C'mon Emma say something!" I yelled at myself. "Don't let this opportunity slip by-" "There you go! I'm sorry again for bumping into you. See you in math, Emma!" he said as he leapt from the hallway floor, dusting himself off, then walking down the hallway, leaving me on the dirty floor staring after him. "Dammit! I should have said something." I thought to myself. "God what that boy does to me! He even helped me pick up my.... HOLY SHIT HE KNOWS MY NAME!!!!!!"

That's the end of chapter one! I hoped you enjoyed it <3

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