Chapter Six

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It's time for chapter 6! Sorry it took so long, the first draft I had didn't save so I had to write it all over again *cries* It was better than this one too... Oh well. Fyi I wont be able to update as often because of school but I'll try to! So enjoy!

I punched my father Michael, in the face as I soon collapsed along with him. "I did it" I thought to myself before my mind started to go blank. "I finally stood up to my father, with my own free will. With my own power and not with the help of others. I stood up to a person who was stronger than me. A person who was evil and greedy. Mean and rude. It was like a fairytale." I felt myself smile as I let the warm, black darkness warm me in a tight hug as my world started to shut down. But before it did, I saw a glimpse of Louis Tomlinson smiling at me. With his dazzling smile and soft blue inviting eyes. Was this a sign?

"Mhhhmm" I groaned as I felt my body shift in the smallest movement. I shook my head softly as I tried to make my aching head to re-boost. Flashes of what happened before I fell out of the universe started to come back in my memory. "I did it!" I smiled to myself as I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the light show within my tired eye lids. After what seemed like forever, I finally let the world by seen in my vision as the light swallowed up the darkness I took refuge in to keep myself from the horrible reality.

I looked around the room I was lying in. I was in the local hospital, where I've been in a lot  when I was little because of my father. The room was small and very bright. There was 3 windows on the left side that let in a lot of sunlight. It reminded me of the pottery classroom for some reason. In the corner was a tiny T.V and there were some heath posters hanging under it. Behind me there was a bunch of medical thingys and a clock hung above my head. On the right side of stuffy little room, where a bunch of cabinets and a metal double sink. There was a little wooden table on the right side of my bed. It held a vase of a variety of flowers and a small stack of cards that were neatly stacked on top of each other in a little pile. A single red rose that was in the mix of flowers caught my attention. There seemed to be a little white paper flag attached to the stem under one of its green leaves. I shifted closer trying to see who sent the beautiful piece of nature thinking it was maybe Niall or Emaan. Right as I was close enough to read it, my leprechaun ran into the room, swinging the door into my room making it crash into the wall. I jumped up startled by the loud noise.

"EMMMAAAAAAA!" screeched Niall as he pounced on me bringing me into a bone crushing hug. " Hi...Niall your crushing me." I managed to breath out as he pulled back and laughed softly as he smiled at me. I smiled back trying to catch my breath after the tight hug. Niall jumped up and down like an impatient child.

"Emma can I please hug you?" Niall wined. He  tilted his head giving me a puppy dog face. I sighed no one could resist the famous Niall Horan puppy dog face. Niall could be really scary sometimes so it was really funny when he tried to be cute because it worked. I put my arms out and let my best friend of 7 years embrace me in a tight but breathable hug. I patted his head, stroking his soft blonde hair, twirling one of his golden locks in between my pointer and middle finger. I loved Niall a lot. He was my best friend more than Emaan, more than everyone. He was always there for me, like after Tom hit me the first time. Niall hit him hard in the gut until Tom walked away from Niall and my body which was lying on the ground, curing under his breath. Niall picked me up and brought me to the nurse and didn't leave my side the whole time until I could walk on my own again. Niall was not only my best friend, he was so close he practically lived at my house, after my father left of course. I loved Niall more than I loved Louis in fact I believe. I cared about him so much and it broke my heart when I saw him sad, or worried about me. But that was just the over protective, knucklehead of an older brother Niall was to me and I loved him for that. I looked down at his smiling face with loving eyes, he seemed somewhat relieved probably because I was alive. 

I let him stay in the position for several minutes as he carried out is loving hug. As he hugged my waist, I continue looking around the small room. The red rose caught my attention again. I moved closer trying to see what it said again before I was disrupted by Niall. My slight movement, interrupted Niall, as he pulled away from me, looking at my face trying to see if there was any discomfort in my face, sighing in relief when he didn't find any. I looked at him, raising an eyebrow as he burst out in laughter. "Ah, back to my mofo Nialler now." I thought to myself happily as Niall started to ramble off about something's that happen did school while I was gone.

Apparently, I was out for about 4 days. I didn't have a lot of damage to my body exact for a broken rib and several cuts and bruises. I had some homework I had to catch up on and I had to get ready for the musical auditions that were in a week. Tom broke up with Kendall, Kendall got a new boyfriend (no surprise there), Emaan was going to Pakistan with Zayn next month and Niall's brother, Greg was getting married.  Also, my father was put in rehab fact my mom had finally called the police on my father's accuse, that was a relief. I leaned back on my uncomfortable hospital pillows and played with the string attached to my checkered gown as Niall kept catching me up on what was new. Also, no one figured out why Tom and Louis got in a fight before the basketball practice, still a mystery.

After what seemed like forever Niall, stopped talking and told me he had to get home for dinner. I nodded and said goodbye to my mofo as he slipped through the door, ushering my a goodbye. I smiled as he left my room and looked up to the ceiling sighing. I shut my eyes. I was surprisingly tired for some reason even though I was only awake for around 2 hours. The opening of a door, snapped opened my eyes. I closed them again when it was just a nurse.

She told me I would be able to leave the hospital tomorrow morning and that if I had anymore pain I should return back to the hospital. She gave me some pain killers to help with my headache and the upcoming pain that was bound to happen in my stomach. I nodded half-heartedly as she continued you to tell me things. She left five minutes later, leaving me to my own thoughts.

I sat up suddenly remembering what I wanted to look at. I moved closer to the side table, grabbing that red rose that kept distracting me. I was grateful to who ever sent this for cutting all the thorns off because after I grabbed it, I realized that it was a rose and almost killed my hand. I twirled the beautiful thing in between my hands, staring a the blood red petals that spilled around the top of the rose. After admiring the piece of nature in my hands, I looked to the small slip of paper that was attached to the stem. I opened it, and read what was in the inside of the white slip.

I gasped and stared in front, dropping the single red rose from my hands and landed on my lap.

"Wha-what?" I said my voice shaking. "What?"

All I could do was rethink over and over again, trying to comprehend what was on the slip of paper that was attached to that beautiful rose.

Who sent Emma the rose?? IDKKKKKKK DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!!!!

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