Chapter 12

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A/N: Ok so this is my last chapter till my break! I feel so bad I have to do this but I have to 'sighs and a tear pops out' Oh and this chapter is going to get serious guys so beware! I haven't edited! Sorry!!!!

Chapter 12

Sam's POV

"Oh well this is........ummm Bailey's boyfriend. Ahhhh what do you want?" Danny chuckled at my hesitance to reply.

"So your the guy who took my babes heart? Well you sound like a sweet kid but she is mine, K?" I stared blankly at the phone. Who in the fuck does this asshole think he is? She tried to take away the phone but I turned away before she could touch it.

"Now listen here Fuck-Face, You can kiss her ass bye because she's mine and will forever be mine. And I may be sweet but I'm no fucking kid asswipe! K?" I was screaming but I didn't care because all of that anger was from years of bullshit from my fake parents. Danny sighed and chuckled.

"I like you kid, your feisty. I can see why she likes you. But you too are definitly not going to last. She's to bad and hot for you and I can tell by your voice that your still a virgin and don't do shit. But that girl that is next to you, Ha, she is a slut and a big one at that!" I was breathing heavy and couldn't see straight. Seeing my anger, Bailey took the phone away from me and hung up.

"That's who you fuck all the time!" She looked away from me but I caught her chin and turned it towards my face. She grabbed my hand and pulled it away.

"Yeah, So what?" she said all to easily with her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Do you not think you deserve better? Do you hate yourself or something?" I saw her eyes turned to hurt but they turned into anger.

"You know what! I don't give a fuck, You don't know me!" And with tears in her eyes, she ran to her room. Oh God, what have I done? I ran to her room but the door slammed in my face. Pounding on the door, tried to tell her how sorry I was but she didn't even speak.

Bailey's POV

He had not right to judge me like that! I did deserve it because I'm a fucked up person and I did a lot to get this way. I didn't care if he sad it out of anger, He shouldn't have said that. I was crying and I never cry at all but this time I let it all out. Goddamn him, Scree him, Fuck Him, I hate him! I was breathing heavy but I stopped crying. I walked into my bathroom and stared into the mirror at the person in front of me. She deserve what she got because it was mostly her fault. The divorce, the heartache, the cuts, everything was her doing. I looked away and saw my razor staring right at me. I had stop cutting a long time ago but I felt I needed it again. The feeling makes me fell high as a kite and I can only feel the cut, making it feel horrible but great. I grabbed the razor and stared at it. Should I do it?

Sam's POV

I was nervous because she wasn't answering me. I didn't mean to make her upset, I mean she just started to freak out on me. Staring at the door, I waited intill I heard her stop crying. What the hell happe ? I walked into the room and looked for her. There was a wet spot on her pillow but she wasn't in her room. I went to the bathroom and saw her, bent over with a razor in her hand. She had already cut her wrist but she was about to cut some more. I stared with my eyes as wide as golf balls. She stared at me, tears in her eyes.

"Bales...........Why baby?" I walked over to her with a wet towel in my hand. God she looked so helpless in my arms.

"I'm sorry, I love you but......" she said pausing to breath. I felt tears burning behind my eyes but I can't let them fall because she needed help. I carried her to her bed and went to find some bandages. When I came back she was sitting up and breathing alittle at a time. Packing her up, I stared in to her eyes with a worried face.

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