Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Bailey's POV

We were waiting out side, sucking in the hot air, when a black SUV pulled to the curve. Mrs.Bitch rolled down the window and placed a fake smile on her face. I really hate her and I never use the word hate in my life. I feel it's a really disgusting word and I only use it for 2 people. This bitch and my dad. Even saying the word makes me flinch but not when it comes to those to jackasses. When she spoke her words were as cold as her heart. I got in the car but Sam wasn't so lucky.

"Sam, honey, sit with me in the front." Sam nervously looked at his my mom then to me.

"I think I should sit here with Bailey." She frowned and made her lips pout. I almost jumped out my seat but I felt Sam's hand cover mine.

"Mom I'm sitting back here, for your life." That last part he mumbled so she couldn't hear. He looked at me and grimaced. He mouth 'I'm so sorry Bales.' I smiled because he was so freaking adorable and I mouth 'it's ok'. He smiled,took my hand and kissed my palm. I heard a cough and rolled my eyes. Did she really have to mess up every thing. I looked at the mirror and grimace.

"Coming down with a cold, Mrs. B-I mean Gilman?"

She sighed and looked at Sam through the mirror.

"See what I mean son, she is no good." I was steaming mad, glaring at this bitch and I move towards her.

"Who the f-" but I was cut off by Sam.

"Mom, how about you just drive please?"

His hand was at my stomach to push me back, then it move back to my hand and held my hand. I stared at the window, trying so hard to calm down and I was doing a good job. It was his hand that helped me try not to kill her but it was very tempting.

After 2 hours of hell, we finally reach his house. His mom steped out the car and I followed. She was walking to the house leaving Sam and me alone.

"I thought we were going to your house?" Sam asked.

"I thought it would be better if I walked the rest of the way." I said more like I can't stand your mom so I'm going to leave before I kill her. He got my message and pulled me to him.

"I'm so sorry Bales. I really don't want you to take her personally. Her opinion is nothing to me be-" I kissed him and made sure that she could see. The kiss was by far the best because it was so fucking passionate. I felt his hands under my shirt and they were caressing my skin. They were so soft and I let them do whatever they wanted. I heard a cough and almost jumped off of him and run to her so I could bang her head against the wall. But he moved his hands to my face and stop the kissing.

"Damn." He said smiling. I looked at him and all I could see was the lust that radiated off his eyes.

"Was that about the kiss or your asshole mom?"

"Both. Mostly the kiss." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Samual, Come here please." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Why her of all people!" I said.

"I don't know but I'll see you later." He kissed me and left to his mom. I walked down to the boardwalk to see Carly's store. I walked into the store and finally saw Carly and Nikki at the cashier table.

"Oh my god, How was the date! I want to know every thing." Nikki said.

"It was great except for his bitch mom, who fucking called me a slut and who drove us home."

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Carly said.

"How the fuck I'm I suppose to know! I never even met the chick and I fucking hate her. And I never say hate." I already told them about my dad and they knew that if I really hate some one, I mean it.

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