Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I was walking In the hallway, trying to find my next class when someone nudged my shoulder. I looked up from the school map and saw Sam's smiling lips. His arm was wrapped around my waist and I could smell his natural scent. It was a mix of my cherry bath soap and testoterone. I inhaled the smell and almost felt intoxicated by it. Is this werid or what? When I finally stopped my nose from inhaling his shirt off, I looked up and found his brown eyes dancing with laughter.

"Do I need to take you to a addition clinic or are you done?" he said, with a little smile.

"I'm good. I just lost control of my body for a moment."

"Good, so Bales, how is your first day at school?" I glared at him with a disgusted face and rolled my eyes.

"Are you serious? It has been non-stop bullshit and all these teachers keep pissing me off."

"Awww why?"

"They just do and I want to go home and sleep. I don't need school, I can just become prostitute and you can be my pimp." He laughed till his eyes filled up with tears and kissed my cheek.

"Bales, your not dropping out and their is no way I'm letting you become prostitute, even if I was your pimp."

"Fine then I'll leave Florida, go to New Jersey, find me a pimp and be a prostitue there." I pushed him away and he let go of my waist but snagged me be the arm, pushing me against the wall. I bit my lip and tried to pull away again but his grip was to strong and I was to weak. It was the scent again. It always seems to capture me and pull me to him. I notice I was inhaling again and stopped. I saw him smirk and his hand trailed up my shirt, reaching my the bottom of my bra.

"I like when you smell me." he said kissing my neck.

"Why?" I breathed out.

"Cause your body shuts down and it makes it easier to fondle you." When he said that my brain came back in action and I push him away, this time succeeding.

"Damn, I almost got you Bales."

"Yeah but you didn't and I need to go to this stupid class. you already made me late." He looked at me curiously and followed me down the hall.

"I thought you didn't care about school?"

"I don't, I just don't want to hear these teachers mouths and don't you have a class to attend?"

"Yes but I wanted to walk my damn girlfriend to class, is that alright?" He said stopping to show me how annoyed he was.

I sighed and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"I'm sorry. I appreciate it but I don't want you to be late because of me." He hugged me to him and snuggled his head into my neck.

"Its ok, I forgive you and don't worry my class is right here."

"Really? So is mine." He stood up straight and raised his eyebrows.

"Well then good, less for me to walk."

We walked I the classroom and all eyes were on us. I stood up straighter and held on to Sam's hand alittle tighter. Everyone was looking at us and whispering to each other. The teacher spoke up and her words fulled the room with more noise.

"Alright class, settle down please! I want you all to welcome our new student Bailey Hill." The class just stared at me, silently judging and questioning my look. What was wrong with these people? I mean I know I'm new but it's rude to just stare. I ignored it and took a seat in the back with Sam following me. After a while, the teacher resumed with the lesson and everyone stopped looking at me. Except, I kept getting this feeling someone else was staring at me. I looked around but no one even had their eyes my direction. I ignored the feeling and went on writing notes down. But I couldn't shake off the feeling and looked up again but still no one was looking at me. Sam notice this and leaned over to my ear.

"Hey, you ok?" He whispered

"Yeah, I'm good but I've got this werid feeling someone's looking at me." Sam looked around and came to the same conclusion as I did.

"I don't see anybody. Maybe your paranoid." I nodded and kept writing down notes.

When class ended, I walked down the hall to my locker and found a black hair blue-eyed guy leaning against my locker. He was watching me come down the hall with his muscleir arms crossed and his lips tugging into a small smile. I didn't know who the hell he was and didn't apperiate his body on my locker but I have to say, he's gorgeous. I know that sounds slutty since I'm in a relationship but it's hard not to think nasty thoughts about this guy. And from what I see around me, all the girls think so too cause they were all staring at him like he was a goddess. When I reached my locker, he watched me the whole time and I felt the same feeling when I was in class.

"Soo your just gonna ignore me or are you going to say something?" he said, his voice smooth, deep and sexy. I rolled my eyes, acting like his looks were nothing to me.

"You were here first and you have lips. So I'm pretty sure you can talk too." His smile grew into a full on smile and he stood up straighter, uncrossing his arms.

"True, I'm sorry then. Hi I'm Carlos, nice to meet you." He said, offering his hand. I looked down at the hand like it was infected and decline.

"I don't bite sweetheart. Just trying to be nice to the new pretty girl." I sighed and shaked his hand.

"Hi I'm Bailey, nice to meet you too." He smiled again.

"Thanks for not being too mean to me."

"Yeah your welcome. So do you need anything else?"

"No I just wanted to meet you and talk. Being a gentleman."

"Mhm, well if that's it I think I should be going now so bye." I walked down the hall, feeling his eyes still on me.

"Yeah see you soon."

A:N/ HEYYYYY!!! I'm sooo sorry I really am please don't be madd!!! Ima try to be better but no promises.

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