chapter 1: help

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Nine, get down from there!” Just another normal morning in the John Hancock penthouse. Aliens spread throughout, Nine walking on the ceiling with his antigravity legacy, and me yelling at him waking everyone else in the process.

“Aw c’mon sweetheart, have a little fun will ya?” He calls me sweetheart just too annoy me. It works too good.

“Nine, do not call me sweetheart. We've been over this. Six. my name, is Six.” Just like normal, the others start to slowly filter out of their rooms because of our constant arguing.

“Can't we go at least one morning without those two arguing. I think we could all use the extra sleep.” Eight says sounding tired and playful. He teleports down to the couch, making me spill my coffee all over my shirt and pants.

“Eight! How many times do I have to tell you not to do that! You're really starting to get on my nerves.” I give him a harsh glare and he just smiles, clearly amused.

“Aw c’mon six, brighten up. Just trying to lighten the mood a bit.” I punch Eight in the arm hard, then throw him across the room with telekinesis.

“Well that makes a new record of days Six, has punched one of us before eight a.m.” I look at the clock and see that it's only 6:38. They told me I could not punch one of them before eight am. I'm obviously failing at not doing that.

“Alright alright. Thanks a lot Smith.” He looks at me and things get awkward. Everything's been awkward between us since Sarah, his girlfriend, got back. We kissed but never got to talk about it because we found her beaten in the Mogadorian cave. We rescued her and she got John back. Speaking of the devil…

“Good Morning everyone! I see that Six and Nine are back at their flirting again.” She innocently laughs and everyone joins in. Nine jumps down from the ceiling and puts his arm around me smirking. I grab his wrist and twist it behind his back until he gives and let's go.

“Jesus six calm down.” Marina walks down the stairs and sits on the chair across from me and Nine. Shes already started flipping through tv channels.

The next to come down is Sam, one out of three Humans in the penthouse. John fell in love with Sarah and I'm mad at him for that and he knows it. When we win the war, when we go back to Lorien, what's he going to do? He can't bring her and he definitely can't stay here. There are only seven Lorics left in the entire galaxy. Six out of seven are in this room. Sam sits on the other side of me. The last, and the smallest, Loric comes down now. Ella runs down the stairs in her five year old form even though she is actually 12. Her legacy allows her to change her age. She takes a running start and jumps on Nine laughing her little head off. I smile slowly creeps on my face. It's new for us all to be together and not fighting for our lives.

“Six… are you okay?” Sam says nudging my arm.

“I'm absolutely great.” I lean against him still smiling to myself. I look over to John and see something on his face that I haven't seen before. He's looking at Sam with jealousy. It's a goods look on him, especially when it's jealousy for me.

After a couple hours, everyone starts to break off  do their own thing. I start to do my daily training.

I grunt to myself, “She didn't die for nothing.” I hit the air with more force, beating the invisible Mogs in front of me. Taking them down one by one. I jab my left fist to the right with my imaginary knife, plunging it deeply into the second to last Mogs skin. In my mind, he disintegrates just like the rest of them did.

“One left…” I mumble to myself. The last Mogadorian standing is him, the one who bare handedly killed Katarina. The one that I killed before escaping his grasp. He smirks showing off his jagged yellow teeth. A black substance leaks out of his gums and he glares at me. He shows no fear. I return the look. The penthouse training room around me has disappeared. I'm in the cave, the one where Katarina died, the one where he died.

“I will not let you win. I swear, I will turn everyone of you into dust bare-handed if that's

what it takes.” He doesn't quiver once, instead, he grows. He keeps growing, until he's about ten feet tall.

“Foolish Loric. How do you expect to save an entire planet, when you couldn't even save Katarina?” When he finishes talking, he steps to the side and I see her. I see Kat, drooping down from her shackles, limp, lifeless. But then, she picks her battered head up and looks directly at me.

“You did this Six. You're the reason i'm dead! You could've saved me, but you didn't. Because you're weak, because you're a coward!” I close my eyes, trying to hold back the tears. When I Open my eyes again, her killer stands besides her, he holds a dagger to her throat. He says one last thing before the kill,

“You could've stopped this, if only you were stronger.” Then, she's gone. I scream at the sight. My Kat, gone again. Lifeless and bloodied. My scream turns to sobbing, the mogs now gone, and i'm back in the John Hancock penthouse. My screams finally die down till their is only the sound of my ragged breath with tears hitting the ground beneath me. I feel someone stroking my head, brushing his fingers through my knotted hair. He pulls me close and I dig my head into his neck, I try to focus on my breathing. I match my breathing with his patter. In. Out. In. Out. Ive calmed down some so I can finally see who my savior is. I look up, I see his shaggy blond hair, his dark blue eyes that pull you in, and his warm, comforting smile.

“Shh, it's alright six. Everything's alright. I've got you, you're safe now.” He brushes the loose strands of hair out of my face and tucks them behind my ear. I give him a small smile, I let his hand wipe away my tears while I look into his eyes.

I have so much to say, but the only thing I can manage to get out is, “Thank you John.”  

He nods and lends me his hand to help me up. I take it and we walk into the living room, not saying anything. When we get there everyone else is already there watching a movie. John and I, still hand in hand, sit on the ground. Everyone else gives John a sideways glance as if asking him what happened. My eyes are a little swollen and red from crying. I notice everyone looking somewhat worrisome at me, well, everyone except Nine. Nine looks like he's about to crack a joke about me and John holding hands. Actually, their is someone else looking at us without worrisome. Sarah. Sarah glares at me and John, she doesn't say anything though, just glares. I finally give in and say to John,

“Hey playboy, get your hands off, your girlfriend's glaring at me.” He looks at me confused at first, then at his hand in mine, then to Sarah.

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