chapter two: honesty

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"Are you sure you're okay six? I'll be fine if you want me to stay..." he says looking almost like he wants to stay.

"I'll be fine, I'm sure Sam can watch over me." he gives Sam a glance and sam smiles.

"I got her John, you can trust me." I smile at John squeezing his hand a little bit to reassure him that I'm okay. He nods and moves over so Sam can sit next to me and so he'll be next to Sarah. It's a little awkward now that John and Sarah are sitting next to each other. She keeps giving me glares and I can't help laugh whenever she does that. John put our whole mission in jeopardy just to save her, how could she possibly think i'm taking him from her?

"So, what movie are we watching?" I ask to break the tension.

"Hunger games, seems like a movie you'd like, Ms. Mockingjay." Eight says, it sounds like he's trying to taunt me but I honestly don't get it. Mockingjay? What the heck is that supposed to mean.

"What even is that?" Me and John both ask at the same time

" Oh my god," Marina says sounding kinda mad, "You guys have never seen Hunger Games?!" We both shake our heads.

"This'll be fun" Ella says.

"Yeah, if six doesnt get scared and call for Johnny's hand again" Nine says. and i've had about enough of him. I jump on him and go in for a punch. I can feel the others grabbing at me and trying too pull me off of him. Of course Nines laughing, just happy that he got too me.

"Six! Get off of him. It's not worth it..." They all yell too me.

"Ugh!" I finally get off of him after a minute or two and storm up to my room. I am not in the mood for this right now. I slam my door shut and I can faintly hear Eight say,

"Wow, I'm surprised that the door didn't fall off." That's one of the perks of having super hearing, you get know who you have to punch. I can hear a couple pairs of feet heading up the stairs and towards my room. I look at the lock on my door and I realize that I forgot to lock it.

"Crap..." I say. I jump of my bed and bolt to the door. Trying to reach the lock before the get here. Unfortunately, I was too late and Marina walks in.

"Jeez Six, what was that about." Marina says walking in. She's followed by Ella and Sam.

"Get out." I say trying to sound even more mad then I am. I really don't want to talk to anyone right now. And knowing these guys, they'll want to talk about me and John holding hands. There isn't anything to tell. He held me to comfort me, and only to comfort me. Not for any reason other than that. Anyhow, Marina continues to enter ignoring my suggestion to stay out. Sam on the other hand, is smarter than her, and he stays outside my room. Ella doesn't quite know where to go, so she stays in between the two of them.

"Marina, I told you to leave." I say trying to calm myself enough so I don't heave my pillow at her head. She holds her hands up defensively.

"Marina, just don't. I'm really not in the mood to talk to anyone right now."

"I know, I know. But someone else asked me to get you for him." She says

"I do not want to talk to Nine right now. That jerk can just leave me alone." I say getting fired up again. Nine really gets on my nerves.

"Nope, not Nine. John wanted me to get you for him, he's in the lecture hall waiting." Marina replies.

"Just tell John I left the building and I'll be back later." They roll their eyes at me. I just keep looking at them with my trademark death glare.

"He wouldn't have been able to see me when I left anyways, invisibility comes in handy for a quick getaway." I wink and lay back into my pillows, turning myself invisible as soon as my head hits the bed. None of them have a reaction too it anymore. Not even Sam, he's done pretty good learning how to live with aliens.

Next Marina says, "Six, we don't know what happened between you g-"

"Nothing happened between us!" I yell suddenly crying invisibly. Marina and Ella get the point finally and leave. Sam being the last one left.

"Talk to him..." He says. Then without saying anything else, he leaves, closing the door behind him.

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