chapter 5: hide and seek

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AN: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in such a long time, I was sick for two straight weeks and then have school work and a lot was going on, I hope I'll write more now that everything seems to be settling down though! Thanks much! Review and comment loves♥️

"Are you coming or not six!?" John yells from down the hall. He sounds like a little kid.
" Alright alright I'm coming ya doof." Jumping off of my bed, I run after the guys. They look at me and I wave, turning invisible.
"Oh come on that isn't allowed! Only one who can find her is Ella! Judge ruling!" Nine screams, whilst the rest laugh watching their surroundings.
" All's fair in love and war nine. Everyone for themselves. All for none and none for all."
I turn invisible sitting on a dresser inside of John's room.
He looks over at me raising an eyebrow and I shrug. I've been watching a lot of sitcoms lately. Along with Spanish soap operas. Marina blocked the channel though because apparently, according to her, I was turning into a character myself.
But in my defense nine had that back handed slap coming for him.
And so did eight.
And John.
Maybe she blocked the channel for a good reason... I just wish she told me the code...
"READY OR NOT HERE I COOOMMMEEE" marina screams from down the hall. Everyone splits off from the crowd fleeing to find a hiding spot. All except John.
I pull him inside his room and grab his hand turning both of us invisible.
Marina pops her head in but doesn't see anyone, and moves on.
I let go of John's hand, automatically making us visible.
Laughing and screaming is heard from another room, a smile is on both of our faces as we look at each other.
"Hey.. six I wanted to.. talk to you abo-"
"John? Can I ta-" Sarah walks in and her eyes dart from me to John, shock and jealousy filling them.
"Oh. Hey Sarah I thought you went out" he says.
" Nope... I just needed to talk to you... Now..." 
John looking at me as if asking if that was okay.of course it is. It's not like I'm his keeper.
I leave without saying anything. I know she's gonna get an earful. Or cry. Or be all shaky and weak and oh my god I can not stand that I don't stand her.
She's nice but she isn't cut out for this life. She just isn't.
I go back to my room. Now in the mood to play anymore. Open up a book and start reading. It's been pretty quiet for awhile now which indicates that the game is over. Haven't heard any doors open or close either, meaning that John and Sarah are still talking.
I wonder about what?
Just then I hear a door opening, followed by hiccuped crying, followed by the sound of the elevator coming and going.
I open my door just enough to see John standing in front of his, a sad puppy dog expression on his face. He's hurting. For why or what reason? Beats me.
John takes a deep breath straightening himself out. He then turns facing my door and makes eye contact with me
Wow talk about awkward.
Nice spy skills six.
The thing is though he doesn't give me any crap... He just looks at me sadly and.. goes back into his room.
Not saying a word. And I didn't hear a sound from him the rest of the night.

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