Winner - Best Book Still in Editing (Over 10k Reads) -February 2014

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and the award goes to.....

AMERICAN ANGEL (Starshine167)

Congratulations! Here is about the book and an interview with the author!


Danielle's family dies in a horrible fire. Her dad however secretly worked for One Direction. What happens when Niall Horan's parents adopt her? Harry's little crush blooms and there may be two little monsters added to the story. Along with a friend with a sickness and an ever ending love. (This Story is still in editing)

Interview with author:

Q: What's it like being an author ?

A: I would say it's pretty cool. You get to do things you normally wouldn't do. You also get to meet people you never would have met. It's a good step being able to put out your writing to others because they edit your writing. It takes the work off yourself. Every single comment you get, good or bad, helps you be a better writer. And I like that. I also like that it's your own personal thing. Like everyone has their voice. Here, writers have their own style of writing. I love seeing the differences.

Q: What is your inspiration to write?

A: my inspiration would have to be my fans. I guess without them, I wouldn't be writing. That also means all of my friends and family who help me write and give me a push to write. Also, my writing partner Ammelia. She is amazing and I could never imagine getting here without her. She is a strong person. She's my role model. She's my sister. And I love her.

Q: how many stories have you tried to write?

A: Hundreds. Most books I write only have like three chapters to them before I throw them out. I don't have the motivation to write a bunch of books. But there has been some I have kept going on. American Angel being one, and Cyber Soldier is one I am working on for maybe being published. I guess we will have to see.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration for stories?

A: everywhere! They come from everywhere. I would be at a supermarket and there is an idea for a short story! Bam! It's weird. But, I never ever get inspiration in the shower. It's weird.

Q: what do you like to do in your free time?

A: I like to write and listen to music. I am also a huge reader and I love to play video games. When I am not doing homework that is. I sometimes play piano as well.

Q: what kind of music do you listen to?

A: Punk/Rock. Most the time. I have a really expanded music list. My top favorite bands are All Time Low, Mayday Parade, Sleeping with Sirens, Hollywood Undead, We The Kings, 5 Seconds of Summer, and One Direction. A huge mix.

Q: does your music influence your writing?

A: of course. It will no matter what writer you are. Music picks your mood and your mood picks your writing style.

Q: Are you in school? What would you like to become as an adult?

A:yes, I am in ninth grade. And I would like to be a photographer or editor. That would be my dream job. But other than that, I really have no clue.

Q: How cool is it being nominated for an award?

A: It's super amazing! I really thought I would never have this happen. But it did. And I can't believe it. First it gets so many reads, then it does so well! I love it! I just don't think it could win. There is other amazing stories out there. But I guess I will have to wait and see.

Q: explain yourself (Name, Age, gender, country, birth month, & note to fans)

A: My names Alexis. I am 14 years old. I'm a female and I'm from the USA. I was born in July. I would like to thank everyone who has read my stories, voted for me, and have been a part in my life. I thank you so much.

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