Winner - Best Nominator - February 2014

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And the award goes to...


Here is an interview with the author:

(This interview can not be posted the right way so the interview starts from the bottom and goes to the top. I tried to flip it but the page went haywire and I lost all the information. So sorry.)


Name: Melany Andersen

Age: 14 almost 15

Gender: Female

Country: United States

Birth Month: June

Note: Hey my awesome readers and fans! Thank you all for supporting me by reading, commenting, and voting on my stories and not to mention fanning me! And beware for the Mikaeltore Diaries because you might be a little shocked of what's happening in the story! If there is something that you do not understand about the story, even if it's little things, please don't hesitate to ask! I will answer your questions as best as I can!


Oh it's okay. Don't worry about it. Now, I'm going to ask for your, name, age, gender, country, birth month, and a note for the fans. If you would like.


What my story is about is this vampire named Alexandria Salvatore who is the middle sister of Damon and Stefan. Her heart is made of ice because of her past and has few friends. Elijah Mikaelson is one of them and he knows her life story. Her brothers don't. Alex realizes that she will have to tell them her life story soon but didnt think that she would end up meeting the most cockiest man she had ever met; Kol Mikaelson. What she doesn't know right away is that when he sees something he likes, he wants it instantly and doesn't like to wait for it. Despite how much of challenges he likes, he gets very impatient of her. Alex doesn't want anything to do with him because she's afraid that she will end up falling in love and getting hurt.


:D okay. Now, how would you explain your story in one paragraph. You need to draw in the attention of the readers and voters. GO!


It's really awesome! When I saw the message on my profile, it made my day! I got an ear infection last night an didn't get to bed until 1:30am because I had to go to the hospital and woke up crabby. Then I checked Wattpad and saw the message that you left me and grinned. I showed my mom and she was happy for me! It was the best thing that's happened to me all day!


Nice one! How cool is it being nominated for an award?


Yes, I am in 9th grade which is a Freshman where I live. And I would either like to become a writer or become a masseuse.


Ahh. Are you still in school? If so, what would you want to become in adult hood?


No not really. Well, if I'm listening to something sad as I'm writing I could write something sad into it. Or if I'm writing something and need help with imagining what I would've done with the character, I could listen to a certain song that makes me angry, sad, or happy. Ummm, if I need to write down a part where a character is angry and cannot access music then I think of a certain country or rock song so then I can think of how angry I would be and go off of that.


Nice! Does your music choice influence your writing at all?


I listen to anything really. I'm not picky; I'm opened minded when it comes to music. I can listen to anything and everything as long as I like it. But I mainly listen to country and rock now although I don't know what changed me so suddenly. I still listen to other kinds of music but the main two right now are country and rock.


That's cool. What kind of music do you listen to?


Listen to music, role play on Mixxt, Quotev (yes believe it, lol), Proboards and I text role play to. Either that or hang out with my friends or family. Umm. When it comes to roleplaying on Mixxt, you can make your own sites about whatever you want; own idea or about a book or show/movie... and with Quotev, you can be whoever the hell you want roleplay with whoever you want. It's kinda the same with texting role play but its also different to...


Nice! What do you like to do in your free time?


It is a lot! Umm... Other than from my friends supporting my ideas it would have to be my mind that comes up with these crazy ideas...and the TV shows that I watch. The main show that I fanfic write about it The Vampire Diaries because of how awesome I think it is... And I think that anything that I can find support in when it comes to my stories will be my inspiration. Good or bad things I guess.


That's a lot! Haha. Where do you get inspiration for your stories?


Oh boy, I don't even know. I have two completed on here, 19 stories on here unfinished, 8 or 9 unfinished on Quotev, some in my notebook, some on my ipod.... Umm.. I believe that's it, lol. I'm not to sure.


Awe. How many stories have you tried to write?


Well... I don't really know. Umm. At first it was my friend who introduced me to wattpad, encouraging me to write... I've always written fanfictions but I also have some stories of my own idea but it isn't very I would have to say that my three main inspirations (even though I've only mentioned two so far) would have to be my friend Faith Gangl, the TV shows that I write fan fictions about and then my Grandma Iris. She passed away almost a year ago and since then I haven't really done much writing but I'm trying to get back to it so then I can continue writing like what she would've wanted for me to do.


Awesome. What is your inspiration to write?


Umm. I think it's awesome because there are a lot of people willing to read what you're writing, your ideas and even their bad comments tell you that you either need to improve or practice more. The thing that I understood from some of my friends off of the internet who has read my stories before the ones that I have now were saying that my ideas were great but I just needed to work on putting more detail into it. I started practicing and putting more detail into it and coming up with better ideas to improve my stories or make them interesting. In my mind, being a writer is one of the best things that I'm good at. I'm not really good at anything else other than reading since I do it a lot. Being a writer makes me happy and it's something I hope to be when I'm old enough and can get a book published.


Alright! So what is it like being a writer?

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