Winner - Best Other Book - March 2014

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And the winner is......


Here is about the book & Authors:


Explain your story.

Fend for Yourself is about three girls, Lea, Bex, and Ash. They live in a world surrounded by zombies. They go around finding people from their past. But not everyone from their past is good. Now they have to save the world.

Where did you get the idea for the story?

All of us where at a Forth of July party and we came up with the idea to write this book. It was a pretty cool idea. We kind of thought about it at the same time.

Who designed the cover for it?

I think I did. I'm not 100% sure but it' something of a temporary cover.

What/who are the main characters? What is their role?

Lea is like the leader. She makes the final decision and the plot is based on her past and her future. She is the main focus point. Bex is a friend from Lea's childhood. Some of the friends and family they find are from her. She is kind of the accident one. She gets into a lot of accidents. She also gets treated like the youngest of the group; the youngest is Andrea and Sam. Ash is the one who is left out. Her backstory really has nothing much revealed. She is a tougher type of girl. But she gets left out of the action a lot with Bex, though she still brings herself into danger to keep everyone else safe.

Where do you write the chapters? (Ex: in school, at work, at home, in library, etc.)

Well, because this is a tag story the places depend on the author. I usually write at home on my laptop but when I need to I will write on my iPad at school. (My school provides iPads)

Books or movies?

Depends on the book/movie. But I am more of a book reader then a movie critique. I love pointing out things wrong in movies.

Sequel or prequel?

It really depends on the book series really. Some would be good for both some would be good for only one.

Explain some things about you

My names Alexis, I am 14. My writing partners are Ammelia and Jasmine. I like punk rock music. I am an author and a gamer. There really isn't nothing much about me. Thanks for voting and nominating us.



Explain the story:

Three girls meet back together by chance, after being seperated from family, and are battering to live through a zombie apocalypse. They are trying to make it to a city that has the safety that they need, but something isn't right. The gaurds are missing. People are dying. And even more. They go on to try and make it to there when they meet some very unlikely people. Will they find their families? Will they save the world? Or die in the attempt?

Where did you get the idea for the story?

Alexis, Jasmine and I were at our friend's house for 4th of July when we wanted to do a collab together. They were thinking about like a fanfic when I suggested zombies. (hehe quite the weirdo I am.) I explained a partial plot and we went ahead with it.

Who designed the cover?

Again ,the lovely Alexis. I suck at them usually.

What/who are the main characters? What is their role?

Lea: 16-17, main leader of the pack. Strong, determined, protective, and has a soft spot for her family. Very essential connection to the reason how it ends.

Ash: 15. Spunky, quite, passionate, resourceful.

Bex: 15. Strong-willed, willing to sacrifice herself for the sake of a group.

Trent: 17. Tough, determined, protects all who he loves. Essential connection to a important piece in the book.

Liam: 19, essential, Lea and Andrea's brother

Andrea: 13,quite, silent strength, will come in very importantly.

Eric: 18, antagonist, evil,very important to plot.

Sam: 13, important but secondary character, comes in late.

Carlie: 15, spunky, sarcastic, loud, ruthless. Very important.


Where do you write the chapters?

I usually write them in my room. That's my own little inspiration in it's self. My best ideas come when I'm just sitting in the place that I am most comfortable and where memories seem to channel the best. Occasionally I'll write them in a class during free time, lunch room, sometimes the place I go after school, and long car rides. Mainly my room though.

Books or movies?

Books. Always the books. They have the best description, they can be pictured the exact way to every person. Movies can't capture the thoughts or the world you pictured yourself or the names or anything that is special when you read it. Occasionally they can be fantastic, like Catching Fire.

Sequel or prequel?

Prequel are fun but I usually lean towards the sequel.

Explain a little about you.

-I am average height, 5'4",

-Blue-green-grey eyes.

-Sandy blonde hair.

-Size 7-8 shoes.

-I am usually upbeat but with a mix of antagonist in me.

-I read every book in about 4 hours.

-I love indie music and indie films.

-I have 7 brothers, 4 sisters.

-I lost my own mom to cancer.

-I am insecure about what I say half the time.

-I love the colors blue, green, black, purple, and grey.

-I live in the United States.

-I will be 15 on April 2nd.


Author has not completed the interview

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