Winner - Best Voter - February 2014

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And the a award goes to....


Here is an interview with the author:


Q: What's it like being an author ?

A: It's truly an awesome experience. Being an author gives you the access to reach out to people who have experiences like you. You get to put your feeling in words and watch as they shape the things you're writing. Being an author you can get The chance to know people you probably might not have met otherwise. This is probably one of my favorite things to get to do.

Q: What is your inspiration to write?

A: I think that'd be my family and Alexis. I mean, I've been writing before I was on Wattpad but I got extra little push to put my stuff out there. Not just for my family to read or my friends but for whoever enjoys stuff like my writing. Alexis, my writing buddy, had read some silly story I had written in like seventh grade and offered me to be part of her account and part of Wattpad. So I took. My siblings kind of encouraged me to write stuff. As for where I get story ideas and plots, it would have to be my friends and family again. It also helps when you have the support of people here too.

Q: how many stories have you tried to write?

A: Haha, I've written like 5 that I've finished or am currently working on. My problem is that I can never catch the right point. But as time is going I think I'm getting more to what I want to reach.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration for stories?

A: Well I take things from my life and kind of make a way to inter web them in. Funny little moments with everyone are a big inspiration. I also take experiences and lessons I've learned and incorporate them into the writing as best as I can.

Q: what do you like to do in your free time?

A: I love to write, obviously, but reading is one of my major time fillers. I read as much as I can and will spend a lot of my time doing that. I love to hang out with my friends as well. It's always a great time to be with them. They are always there and they can always make me laugh. I also like to make different projects and I do a little bit of scrapbooking.

Q: what kind of music do you listen to?

A: Mainly indie, indie rock, alternative... Stuff like that. I also listen to a little bit of punk.

Q: does your music influence your writing?

A: It kind of does but at the same time it's not really a big part to it. I will insert it into a good piece. I love to use the tone of the music I listen to to inspire what I right. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Really depends on the type of story it is.

Q: Are you in school? What would you like to become as an adult?

A: Haha, the funny thing is I'm answering this in school. So yes, I am. I honestly don't know right now. I've been trying to decide something that I'd really like to do for a big portion of the rest of my life, or most of it. I have had three major ideas. One being a writer. One of my passions that I need to get better at. Two going into business and starting my own business. Preferably a book store or coffee shop. If neither of those I think I might like to be a teacher. It all really depends on what happens and what I find I like more.

Q: How cool is it being nominated for an award?

A: It's pretty much as cool Logan Lerman sitting in a freezer with sunglasses on. So pretty cool.

Q: explain yourself (Name, Age, gender, country, birth month, & note to fans)

A: Oh, I am Ammelia. I am currently 14. I live in the United States. I was born on April 2nd. A note to all my fans would be that i wouldn't be where I'm at without you guys. You're the ones who make the stories how you want them to be. I'm just the person who's lucky enough to write them for you. Thanks a million!

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