letter five

75 11 3

"Calum! Get your lazy butt up."

Ashton pulls the covers off my bare body and throws them to the floor.

"Today is a great day to clean." He laughs.

I roll my body over and curl into a ball.

"Well. In that case."

All of a sudden, my body stiffens as ice cold water collides with my bare skin. I jump up in a shout and shake the water off of me.

"What the heck was that for?" I scream at Ashton

"It's time to clean."

He grabs the bucket and walks out the door. I follow him into the living room.

"We'll start here."

"No. It's fine."

"Calum, you need to go through all these papers. They're important and you need to file them."

"You can do that. I can't."

Ashton sits himself on the floor.

"I'm going to sort them out, okay?"


I sit myself on the couch and turn the tv on to watch the latest football news.

"Have you caught up with paying the hospital bills? There's some here. Did you even think about paying them?"

I look to Ashton and shrug my shoulders.

"You need to pay off your car. Oh my gosh is this your insurance bill?"

"It went up since the crash."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gone crazy." I hear Ashton mumble under his breath.

I turn my attention back to the screen. My vision blurs as I stare off into space.

That's been my life lately. Just sitting and going off into another world. The one I'm living in isn't worth it anymore. Nothing has gone right. I lost the love of my life and I did nothing to stop it.

I'm weak. I used to think I was so strong and buff when I started working out more. But I'm not. It's all and illusion to hide the brokenness inside that I haven't tried to fix.


I slowly turn my head to face Ashton siting cross-legged on the floor with envelopes and stray papers piled around him.

"I think you missed this letter."

He stood up and handed me the envelope.

I looked at the name and my eyes widen.

How did I skip over this?

Kari Johnson

Dear Calum,

Depression is a disease that often starts when you go through a traumatic experience. I have been battling that along with other things, for most of my life. Somehow, God kept pulling me through it. I just had to learn how to let go.

I know that after I leave, you'll probably fall into a depression. Please don't. It's horrible and you don't deserve that. You deserve to be your usual happy self. Live your life. Buy a puppy. Hug strangers. Go bungee jumping. Just don't sit in your house and sulk.

Remember all those nights when we would just go out and have fun? Try that. Go skateboarding. Do that in daytime though, I don't want you to break your ankle again. Take some one out, like a girl, and see some crappy movie at the dollar theater.

I don't want anything more than your happiness. Just because I'm gone, it doesn't mean you can stop living. Please. Just try to let go of the past. Let go of me. Live.

I love you,


(A/N) What are you thoughts? hmmm?

I've had two snow days and I'm so happy but I really need to do homework.

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God Bless :)

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