letter one

105 13 1

The light of the sun shines through the crack of the curtains.

Squinting my eyes, I lift my body up from the bed.

The pads of my feet echo through the silent house.

I walk into the cluttered kitchen and face the dirty dishes pilling in the sink. It can wait another day.

Reaching up into the cabinet, I grab a mug and place it on the wooden counter below me. I start the coffee and walk into the living room. My bare back sinks into the plush couch.

The tv turns on to the news.

"Scientists are finding more possible cures to common cancers that have been condemning millions of people due to lack of technology and intelle-"

"Bull crap."

I change the channel to the Saturday morning cartoons.

The growl of the coffee maker snaps my mind back into reality.

I get up and stalk into the kitchen. Pouring my coffee into the mug, steam flows up and into my nostrils.

The door bell shrills through out the house causing me to jump and spill coffee on my hand.

I curse and attempt to cool my hand off underneath the freezing faucet water.

"Hold on!" I yell to whoever is behind the door.

"It's just me, Michael!"

Of freaking course.

"You have a key!"

"Are you descent?"

"Do you care?"

I hear the door knob rattle and the lock click. A gush of wind pushes through the door as Michael walks into the house.

"I grabbed your mail."

"Oh. Thanks."

Michael walks over to me and hands me a pile of magazines and envelopes.

I sort through the collection.

My eye catches a name written on the front of a brown envelope.

Kari Johnson

There is no return address underneath her name.

It's not possible.

I quickly open the envelope while Michael watches the cartoons leaving into his own world.

Dear Calum,

I'm sorry this probably scares you. Honestly, it scares me too. I have no clue how you will react to this. I don't even know if you're okay. I hope you are.

You are such an amazing person. No one can't deny that you're the love of my life. Even in these unfortunate circumstances I can still feel the love. Hopefully, you can too.

I've written this letter hundreds of times. Words cannot express the feelings reeling through my body. One emotion that keeps peaking its little head is thankfulness. I'm so thankful that God gave me an angel on earth. I'm thankful that you kept loving me, even at our worst. You are such a blessing to everyone surrounding you.

The love that you showed me has warmed my heart in the coldest nights. Your smile has given me butterflies when I felt empty. Those beautiful chocolate eyes gave me hope for our future.

I love you so much. Please don't ever forget that. And please don't forget me.



My body collapses into a sobbing heap on the floor.

I hear Michaels feet carry over to me, the faint screams of my name.

But I cannot feel.

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