Chapter 4

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The next few days were better than ever. I had someone to talk to and who I thought of as a friend.

Helena and Andrea were and have always been there for me. They always came over and hung out with me when they could and I can't thank them enough, they know about my parents and do everything they can. I couldn't always talk to them since they are busier than I am. Now, Niall lives across the street and is in every class of mine so we talk constantly.

He comes over almost everyday so we can talk, study, jam out to some music, everything.

For a few days, Niall was out sick and I felt empty and lonely again, my best friend wasn't there so I couldn't talk to him. I went to school and sat at my normal seat in the back of the room. As I was sitting, I realized that girls were starting to sit in the empty seats around me.

I look up to see all the "popular" girls and some of my old friends. I sat there for a minute, still listening to my music when I'm stopped and forced to listen to them talk by a flick to the back of my head. I look up to see the leader of the "pack" looking dead at me.

"Whats up with you and that new cute boy? I mean, he can't be your boyfriend, that's impossible for you. He should be with me." She says flipping her hair. I really want to punch her in her ugly face sometimes, but I can't, sadly.

"His name is Niall and I he's my best friend and I highly doubt he would date you, do you not remember his first day?" I asks. She gives me a death glace as if she planning my death in her head.

"Listen here you little brat, I don't care about what he said, he's going to change his mind and date me. All you need to do, is back up and don't get in the way, ok? Okay, good." As she finishes her sentence, they all start to leave and notice Niall coming over.

He comes to sit down and all the girls follow. "Hey, Niall," she says winking at me, "I have a question to ask you." He looks at her confused. "Whats your question?" He asks, she s Ikea a little bit walking over to him and placing a hand on his hand. "Will you go out with me?" She says, intertwining her fingers in his. He chuckles softly and quickly releases his hand from hers.

"Um, no. I don't like you plus I'm only 12 and don't need to be dating."

"Fine! Be that way!" She gets up and stomps off. After that, we had a new joke to talk about.

That night, we decided to hang out at my place and play some games. We played truth or dare, because it always a fun one. "Ok, Niall, truth or dare?" I as, thinking of something for both as a head start.

"Truth!" Niall shouts. We both laugh and look up at each other. This is the most fun I have ever had, hanging out with Niall, I've laughed more than I thought was possible.

"Do you like anyone?" I ask, giving him a funny look. I look at him and notice that he's blushing and smiling.
"Yep." He says, a wide smoke on his face stretching from ear-to- ear. I left a little at his answer while he starts,

"Truth or Dare Grace?" " I think I'll go with truth." I say, chuckling. "Ok, don't get mad cause it's a repeat but, do you like anyone?" I have to think on this just a little I mean, I kinda like Niall, I did since I first started talking to him. Should I say yes? I mean, I have to, it is truth anyways.

"Yeah," I say looking down at the ground, "but only a little bit." "Alrighty."

He says, giving assurance to my answer and smiling a little. After we finished playing truth or dare, we went to watch some movies together on my bed.

We watched so many movies that we passed out on the bed together, not even realizing.


Written by: Allana

A/n: Thank you so much for reading this. It's a little longer and hopefully they will all start being that way, if I have time. I wonder what's gonna happen between Niall and Grace...😏 who knows. I hope you liked this chapter. See you next time!💖

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