Chapter 3

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I was shocked. I mean, I just met him and don't know hardly anything about him. I shouldn't have even walked home with him, gave him my number, or anything. I don't know why but something was different about him. Why am I even thinking like this? I'm only 12! I look at my phone and do nothing but respond back.
Me: -Hi.
I can't believe I'm responding. Oh well, it's done, no going back now. Not even a minute later, my phone goes off again. I'll just message him and be nice, I mean, he was nice to me.
Niall: - What are you doing?
Me: - Looking out my window and listening to music. You?
Niall: - Same.
This is so awkward. At least I had a good last day on our break. Tomorrow I'll go to school and dread being there. Sometimes I don't think the teachers notice me anymore than my parents do.
I wake up the next day and get ready for school. When I walk downstairs, I see my dad passed out on the sofa. Clearly something happened last night. I go in the kitchen and grab some breakfast.
At school, I'm sitting down in first hour when all the girls start freaking out. I look up from what I was doing and get stuck in a deep eye contact with a blonde haired, blue eyed boy. Niall.
I look back and hear him say "Can I sit here?" I shake my head and he gladly sits. I turn off my music and turn to face him.
"Hey." He says. "Hi." "Do you like this school?" He asks. "I don't like school really but this one is good, better than others." He shakes his head. "I love school!" He says.
"I like school too but not when all my friends left for the "popular" kids and nobody pays attention to you or notices that you're here." I can't believe I just spilled all that out to him.
"Well, look, who cares about the other people, I'm here now and I know we just met and barely know each other, but I will be here for you. I'm very protective over people I like."
I have to look away so he doesn't see my cheeks blushing. I looked back up at him and finally say "Okay."

When the teacher finally came back in, she wanted Niall to go up and introduce himself, so he did. I give him credit, he's not afraid to get up in front of crowds like me. While he's talking all the girls are giving him adoring looks. When he comes back over to sit down, all the girls follow.

"Hey Niall, come sit over here with us. Get away from this weird loser." A girl says. I look down, hiding my face from all the girls laughing. "How about you go away and leave my friend alone. I think that's a better idea." Niall says. I look up at him, surprised by his response. All the girls start walking away when Niall says, "Oh, I almost forgot. Don't call her names again. How would you feel if I did that to you?"

The girls roll their eyes and start walking off again and all I can do, is look at Niall with nothing but a shocked look on.


Written by: Allana

A/n: I hope you liked this chapter. I put a lot of work into it and you will hopefully be expecting more of that in the chapters to come. Thank you!

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