Chapter 7

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When I finally wake up, I see Niall sitting at the edge of the bed looking at me. I sit up and stretch a little. I touch my face and wince at the pain, it still hurts like crazy.

I look at Niall who is still looking at me. "How long was I out?" I ask. "Just a few hours, not a long time." I shake my head and look down at my hands in my lap.

"Grace," he says and I look up.
He's patting at a spot on the bed right next to him. I go over and sit next to him.

I can't help but notice the look in Niall's eyes, he was worried, scared and I'm sure I know why. "What happened earlier? Why did you jump out of your window and why are you all beaten up?"

I look down and feel a tear start to well up in my eyes. I close my eyes and feel Niall's hand slide into mine.

I look up and out his window to my house. I look back and finally work up my voice to tell him.

"My dad was beating me while my mom watched." I could feel Niall's grip on my hand start to tighten. "I told them that they weren't good parents and to stop acting like they were."

It was probably a dumb idea to say all of that to them but I just had to get the truth out.

"Ok, Grace, first off, that's not a good idea and second, let's get you cleaned up." He says, reaching for a washcloth and ice pack off of the nightstand.

Niall reaches for my face with the washcloth and touches my face, right next to my eye and eyebrow. Then he moved down to my lips and cleans up what little blood there was from when I got slapped.

He finished with the washcloth and moves down to grab the ice pack and towel to go around it.

"Niall, I know it wasn't a good idea to say all of that but I had to. I've been holding all of that in for the longest time." Niall sighs and looks at me.

"I know how you feel, I wish I could do that to my family but they don't take two seconds away from what they're doing to pay attention to me."
"I know, I'm surprised they even came up and took the time to talk to me." I say, looking out the window to my house.

"I don't want to go back Niall." "I know, but you should. Things could get worse and we don't want that." He's right. I dont want things to get worse.

"I might as well go back over, hopefully it won't be bad." I say as I stand up. "I guess I'll go now. Thank you Niall, for helping me." I hand him his ice pack and towel back and walk towards the door to open it.

I reach for the door but am stopped by a hand grabbing mine, turning me around. Niall pulls me into a hug and I gladly do it back. "Promise me you'll be careful. Please." He says. "I promise Niall." I say, smiling.

He releases me and I head downstairs. I look around and notice his entire family is still partying. I turn toward the door ready to go to my parents.

I walk across the street to my house and my parents are already walking out the front door. They get to me and my mom tries to cheer me up but it doesn't work. "I just want you guys to know now that I may be going to my friends a lot. I need time alone right now and away from you guys."

I immediately see my dad's face turn angry but surprisingly, doesn't do anything. I run in the house and up to my room, shutting the door behind me and locking it.

I go to my bed and lay down, thinking about everything that has happened. I lay on my back, looking up at the ceiling. I could hear my parents yelling about something but honestly, I don't care.

I close my eyes and think harder. After a few minutes passed. I hear my phone go off. I see text's from Niall start coming in and I realize he's worried.

Niall: Hey
Niall: Everything going ok?
Niall: Grace?
Niall: Answer please.
Me: Calm down Niall. I'm alright, just thinking while my parents yell.
Niall: That's good. Be careful please. I dont want you to get hurt again.
Me: I promise to be careful. I dont want to lose you so I'll do anything to be careful.
Niall: You're not going to lose me.
Niall: Promise.

After his last text came in, a smile was spread across my face. I try to go to sleep, take a little nap but can't because of the yelling. I hear something break downstairs and I close my eyes, tightly, fighting back the tears.

I get up and walk to my door, putting my ear against it to hear them better.
"Why did you hit her?" I hear my mom shout. "I already told you why, I did it for you." "No you did it for yourself." "Lily, I love you. Of course I did it for you." Well, he can show love to her by abusing his kid, great. I go back to my bed and try to go to sleep again.

I wake up to my alarm clock going off meaning it's time for school. I get up and walk over to my closet to pick some clothes out for the day. I decide to wear a white t-shirt, black jeans and some regular black converse. I didn't want to get my shirt dirty so I grabbed my red flannel. Good thing about the flannel is that I can wear it around my waist if need be.

I grab my phone and go to my door and open it. I run downstairs and get my bookbag. Before I can get out the door, my dad stops me.

"Grace, can I talk to you please?" "I have to get to school. Sorry." I turn towards the door, reaching for the handle.

"Grace, please." "Later, I really have to get to school." Then, I'm out the door, running so I'm not in sight of my house. Once I get to school, I go to my usual seat in the back, keeping my head down so no one can see my face. The bruises and cuts are still there. I dont want them to know or at least assume what happened. I get to my seat and sit noticing Niall turn to look at me.

"Grace." He says. I turn my head and look up at him. "Hi Niall." "You're doing better I see?" "Yeah, kind of. My dad wanted to talk to me this morning and I told him I had to get to school. I dont want to talk to him Niall."

I could feel the tears threatening to come. I wasn't going to cry, not here, not in front of everyone. Niall puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I bury my face in his chest still fighting back the tears.

"Hey Grace, how are you and your boyfriend doing?" I know that voice anywhere. It's the leader of the "pack" Abigail Ross.

I look up at her, anger filling me. "He's not my boyfriend, for the last time Abigail." I could feel the anger rising up. I wish she would just let this all drop, I've told her he isn't my boyfriend before but apparently, she doesn't want to agree to it. She was now sitting in the seat right next to Niall.

I looked down because I could feel the tears threatening to come again and that mixed with anger is never good, especially not with me, not now. I have been through too much and at the moment, anything could make me angry.

"Exactly, because he's mine." She said and I looked up to see Niall trying to pull his hand out of her's. She was holding his hand, fingers intertwined. "Just go away!" I shouted, causing every head to turn towards me. That anger that I was holding is now exploding everywhere.

"Fine, but I'll be back for more later." She said and gave a wink before standing up. "No, don't come back. I've had enough of you getting in my life and doing whatever you want. You're crap is getting old. This whole "oh, I'm so popular and all the 12 year old boys want me." Well, let me tell you something sweetie, you think you're popular but you're not. Stop acting like you're everything!" I shout, every thought just pouring out like a faucet.

I can tell every eye is on me but not looking around, only at her who has a smirk spread upon her face.

"Grace," I can see the teacher walk in and her eyes are on me. "principles office, now." She said, pointing out the door.


Written by: Allana

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. It's a lot longer than my other ones and I'm very proud of it. There was 1529 words (not including these). Let me know what you thought of this chapter or anything else. 😆 Please vote, thank you. See you next chapter...

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