chapter 2

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Your pov

I woke up to find myself lying in a bed. I look at my phone it was 9:15am i sat up slowly. I stood up at walk out the bedroom door to find myself in the living room with the kitchen just behind it and a figure standing above the cooker. He look really famillier. He turn around "oh hey (y/n) are you feeling better" said kaneki i was surprise that it was kaneki. i just stood there looking at him. "yeah" i said back to him "how your neck" kaneki asked.

Then i remembered that a gang of ghouls attack me last night and that i was nearly stangle to death. I touch my neck to find out that there was a bandage around my neck. "(y/n) are you ok you seem quite sit down in the sofa i bring some coffee" said kaneki as he turn to get the coffee

i walk slowly to the sofa, Then taking a seat.
kaneki came with two coffee and sat down next to me, he handed me my coffee i took it not making eye contack with him. "Them ghouls were pretty tough werent they" said kaneki. I looked up in front of me kaneki next to me looking at his coffee. "wait... How did you know they were ghouls and did u fight them off" i blurrted out. I quicky turn back to look at my coffee. Kaneki sighed at look at me "(y/n)... I have to tell you something please dont get mad or scream or do any of that" said kaneki as he put his finger under my chin and turn my head towards him.

For a moment  all the pain seem to go away all the thought running threw my brain she seem to just  disaper and i was just looking into kaneki sparkiling, gental, incont eyes.

Kaneki pov

I turn (y/n) head to face me I look in to her deep (e/c) eyes I felt like I could trust her with anything I feel like I've known her all my life. I finally realised the feeling I got from her I like her but not in just a friend way

"Kaneki what do want I won't get mad at you" said (y/n) with a kind sweet voice. "Um... well the reason i could fight off all them Ghouls were." I paused and just sat there crying like I a 3 year old child.

Your pov

I sat there watching Kaneki just break down in to tears I didn't know what to do. I put my arm around him and pull him closer to me. "Kaneki what the matter you can tell me I won't get mad I promise and I won't tell anyone" i said in a comforting voice he look up at me and hugged me, I hugged him back.

Kaneki pov

Hugging (Y/n) just to all the stress of my shoulders it felt like she was angel That had been sent to me from the heavens. I pull away from the hug and just look at her she look at me with a soft smile. But I just couldn't help myself I kiss her on the lips.

Your pov

Are lips were connected I kissed him back the kiss got deeper and deeper. He put his hand on my neck and I put my hand on his cheek. I  never wanted it to end.

He finally pulled away with a blush on his cheeks he smile at me I smile back with a blush on my cheek. I realised myself from his hug and turn to my coffee and took a sip.

It's was silent for a few minutes. "So.. kaneki what did you want to tell me" i asked him as I looked back at him. He looked back at me, he grab my hand with both his and held it tight.

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