chapter 21

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Your pov
I open my eyes to find kaneki kangue shooting out his back and his turning in a ghoul one i sat up slowly.

Kaneki pov
"Kyoshi i think we should leave" said luna looking at me "i think you should do what your sister says and go" said pointing at the door. Kyoshi look at me in fear "luna lets go and (y/n) if your are alive this is not over" said Kyoshi in fear then serious grabbing luna by the hand and walk out.

I look over at (y/n) holding the dagger what was sticking out her chest. I ran over to her with my kangue disapearing and my eye turning back. But as soon as u got to her she fell on her back her eyes closed and she wasn't breaving. "(y/n) wake up, wake up come on your strong dagger this" i cried trying to wake her up. I pull my phone out my pocket calling touka

"Hey kaneki what up" said touka
"she dead she dead" i cried
" wait who kaneki " said touka worring
"(Y/N) she dead ir all my fault" i said crying
"i be there soon with nishki" said touka The call the ended

I sat the leaning against the wall buy (y/n) crying it was all my fault if i had come down stairs with (y/n) this would never of happen

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