chapter 20

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Kaneki pov
I was sitting on me and (y/n) bed waiting for her to come back upstairs. Then i heard shouting i jump out of bed and walk to the door. Then i heard a s bang on the wall. I walk out the bedroom with out a top on a stood on top of the stairs i couldn't make out what they were saying but the i heard (y/n) scream

I ran down stairs to find a boy older than us having (y/n) pinned up against the wall by her neck and a little girl with a dagger in her hands twisting it into (y/n) heart.

"big bro it looks like we got company" said the little girl not even looking at me. They both turn the head around towards me but (y/n) didnt she was looking at the ground. "oh you most be kaneki" said the male voice in a partincing way, i look at him in anger "hi im luna and that Kyoshi " said luna letting go of the dagger and licking (y/n) blood of get small hands "luna the lick het blood she evil and will turn you evil" said Kyoshi throwing (y/n) across the room making i helpless body smash into the wall and fall in front of the fire place thank god i werent lit

"get out my house" i said in anger Kyoshi walk up to me my face a inch away from his "what are u gunna do if we dont" said Kyoshi "i move you out myself" i said biting back "i would like to see you try" said Kyoshi laughing

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