chapter 29

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Kaneki pov
I woke up it was 8:15 i look at (y/n) she look recless i could see she wasn't having a gd sleep so i decided to wake her up "(y/n) come baby girl wake up" i said whispering in her ear she fluttered her eye. I stroke her cheek

"are you ok baby" i said (y/n) sat up and look at me resting her hand on my shoulder. "kaneki why am i having thess dream for im not getting enough sleep im so tired" said (y/n) I stroke her hair "baby go back to asleep" i said " i cant im scared to" she said as She burried her head in my shoulder.

"i got to go and take a shower baby" i said to her she look up me grabbing my top "can i take a shower with you i dont want to be left alone" she said i just look at her in surprise the scratch the back oh my head. Then i just smile at her and stuck my hand out "Come on then (y/n)" i said " she grabbed my hand and got of the bed "what happen to calling baby" (y/n) laughing "i didnt know if you like be call it" i said "i do like being call it by you it cute when you call me it" she said laughing shyly.

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