chapter 18

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We made it to Anteiku but when walk in the lights were off and the cafe was spotless. kaneki turn the lights on to find ballons and decoraition everywere "SURPRISE" shouted everyone in Anteiku "what this all for" said kaneki "you both need to close your eyes and stick your hands out" said hinami so we both did what we were told i felt something being put in my hands. "right on the count of three you can both open your eyes" said touka "3" said nishki "2" said touka "1" shouted hinami. Me and kaneki both open are eyes to find we both had a set of keys in are hands then nishki handed kaneki a envolope he open it up and kaneki read it out loud.

To kaneki and (y/n)
All of us had put some money together and brought you a house by Anteiku hope u like it and them keys are to your new house enjoy it
From touka hinami nishki and the rest of Anteiku

Me and kaneki both look at each other then at touka and rest they were smiling like little children. "really you brought us a house" i said "yeah well cause you guys are never gunna break up and so we thought u might have kids one day so we got you a house surprise" said touka me and kaneki stood there in disbelive. "do u guys want to go to your new place" said nishki mw and kaneki both nodded in excitment as nishki took us to his car.

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