4-I Like Confusing People

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Towers- Little Mix


Mia's pov-

"Emma why would you flip out like that on them? Yes I know their in the biggest boy band in the world but their normal people too!" I said while driving back to my house.

"I'm sorry! But it was Harry Styles! My idol, my love, my life! And it was Niall, your favorite!"

"That's not the point Emma, their normal and don't want to be mobbed everywhere they go. If you had said their names any louder it would of happened, that's why I walked away from you."

"I wanted a picture!" She exclaimed loudly.

"Your meeting them on Saturday! You know what, no never mind were done talking about this."

"Fine." Emma huffed.

I turned the radio up to cut out the tension in the air. I swear it's so thick you could cut it with a knife. But of course the radio wasn't on my side.

"Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change

Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage." Niall sang, way to help the mood Niall. Seriously your helping so much! And if I hadn't sent you that freaking message, I wouldn't be in this mess.

"I have to go to the store before we go back to my house. I'm making dinner tonight, if you want to stay over."

"Sure, what are you making?"

"Shrimp Scampi Bake."

"Yum, with extra garlic?"

"You bet." I smiled.

"Sorry for causing a scene back there.." She muttered

"It's fine."

"No, it's really not, their just normal guys that happen to be known world wide and they already get to much of that. They don't deserve to be fan girled over on their days off. I should of thought it through first."

"We all do stupid stuff. Just let it go for now."

"Ok.." she paused.

"Hey Mia?"

"Yeah Ems?"

"How did you know they were in the doorway and I didn't. Why did we have to leave the food court so bad?"

"I saw them as I was talking to Lou. and I wasn't hungry anymore. That's it."

"Are you okay? You seem out of it."

"I'm fine Emma."


I'm going to hear it from Niall, most likely he's going to ask if it was me, why I didn't say hi to him, why I ran off, or why I ignored him.

"Verzweifelt." I sighed.

Emma raised her eyebrow at me, basically getting me to translate what I had said.

"It's German for dear life."

"Oh but of course the wonderful German remarks you always make." Sarcasm dripping from her words.

"I like confusing people it's fun."

"Yeah well it sucks." She muttered.

I stuck my tongue out at her as she playfully mimicked me. I pulled up to the store, parking my car and turning the engine off.


"Yup let's go."

I mumbled some lyrics as we walked into the store. I ordered 2 pounds of fresh shrimp, grabbed some Penne pasta.

The Meet & GreetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora