5- Meeting Niall

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Cool Kids - Echosmith


Mia's Pov-

Today's the day. The day of the One Direction concert. The day I'm meeting Niall Horan. Finally meeting Niall in a proper way.

Emma and I were getting ready for the concert, we couldn't hold the excitement in us any longer. So we blasted all of One Direction's music and some of 5 Seconds Of Summer. It's supposed to be 103 degrees today so I'm putting my outfit that I bought for the concert on and then I'm going to go pack a book-bag with a huge ziplock bag full of ice and water. Always, always, always stay hydrated. Especially living in Florida where it's always HOT! I'm also packing snacks for while we wait and my wallet so I can buy a bunch of merch. Got to have memories from the best day ever!

"Mia what time are we leaving?"

"The Meet and Greet is at 4 and gates open at 6. And it's 12 now. So we'll leave here around 1:30 since the arena is about 20 minutes away, then we can get a good spot in line to meet them."

"Alright sounds good! I can't wait to meet Harry, it's going to be amazing!"

"I can't wait to finally meet Niall!"

"What do you mean finally?"

"Oh um I just meant like were finally seeing them in concert.."

"Ohh okay, yeah I'm so excited I can't wait!"

Phew! Almost got caught there. Yes everyone, I still haven't told Emma about me talking to Niall. We've been talking everyday and have gotten to know each other really well. He really is such a down to earth guy. Emma still can't know that I've been talking to Niall, and I know she'll probably be mad at me for not telling her a week ago but oh well. I'm going to tell her when were in line to meet them. Hopefully she won't overreact. Now that I'm dressed in my infinite love crop top with my purple and white ripped shorts. I slid my Hollister flip flops on and ran downstairs through my numerous hallways. When we first moved here I always got lost cause it's a big house. Two and a half floors with 6 bedrooms, each having it's own bathroom, walk in closet, and small living room. A huge kitchen with black granite counter tops and steel appliances. A huge living room that can seat 10. A small movie theater and a gym with a dance studio. Needless to say, I love this house. Perks of having a dad that is extremely well known as a lawyer and small business owner. Then my mom being in the Army. When I say two and a half floors, the second floor has an extra level that leads to an awesome loft with gaming systems, bean bag chairs and a futon. I love it up there, so if you can't find me I'm probably up there.

"Hey Mia, do you have the book bag packed yet?" Emma asked coming down stairs.

"No, I'm just now putting ice and water bottles in a ziplock bag. Why?"

"Cause I need the sun tan lotion, my shoulders and face burn easily so I want to put some on ahead of time."

"Alright, it's in the front pocket."

"Kay, thanks!" She chirped.

That's one bad thing about Florida, it's closer to the equator and the sun is very hot. sunscreen is a must all the time.

"Mia it's 1:15." Emma said.

My mom entered the kitchen with her hair in a messy bun and her pajamas still on.

"Hey mom!" I smiled.

"Morning sweetheart, what are you doing up early?" She yawned.

"Um mom it's 1:15 in the afternoon.. And Emma and I are getting ready to leave for the concert."

The Meet & GreetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora