The Sun

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I hadn't been completely honest about my background.  There were, I admit, some things I really would have rather forgotten about before I arrived in New York.  Nico looked at me curiously, his eyes fixed in a worried expression and his mouth pressed in a line.

"Will? What's going on?" Deep breaths couldn't help me now- the truth needed to come out.

"Back when I was in Texas... my mom was a famous singer.  Her name was Naomi Solace, and everyone loved her."  Nico nodded.

"But when she wasn't singing, she was drinking.  My dad left her a while before my eldest brother was born, and that really got to her.  She was always drunk and.." I took a breath. "She used to hit us.  She would take her anger out on her kids, like.. she would throw things and scream and beat us when she came home," My eyes wouldn't focus on Nico.  "So, one day I couldn't take it anymore.  Two of my brothers, Michael and Lee, they used to protect me.  But they both.."  I paused.  "They- both- died. And so I tried to run away, but my mom always caught me, and that never ended well." I winced. "So, one day I drugged her.  I put something in her drink and left, armed with a dagger and a gun.  I wasn't planning on using them.. but I had to be careful.  My mom lost her job the next day.  She blamed me, and came after me with the police, my charges being attempted murder and trying to frame her so she would lose her job.  She also blamed me for the deaths of my brothers.  I've kind of been on the run ever since."  I finished, and Nico inhaled sharply. 

"Will.. I'm sorry.  I know it doesn't mean anything to you, but I am so sorry.  I know how hard it is to have an-" He paused. "An abusive parent.. and you were right to leave.  It is not your fault your brothers died, or that your mom turned out how she was.  I'm so sorry."  He pulled me into a hug right there on the street.  After a moment I pulled away, realising what he had said.

"You have an abusive parent? Why didn't you say anything?" I panicked quietly.  He looked down. 

"It doesn't matter."  I sighed at his answer.

"We should get out of here.  I'm sorry to have put you in danger, but I have to leave. They're looking for me."

"Then I'm going with you. Insieme ora, per sempre." He took my hand and we darted down to his house, hoods up and heads down.  I made a mental note to find out what he said.  We ran into the apartment and started tossing things into backpacks.  Food, blankets, extra clothes, flashlights, and anything else we would need without slowing us down.  While Nico was in the bathroom, I quickly looked up what he had said.  Together now, forever.  I smiled. He came back out and we slipped down to the elevator.  That was our mistake.  Nico's dad was standing there, waiting for him.

"Dad! Uh, hi." He muttered.

"Nico. What are you doing?"

"Nothing, hanging out with my new amico."

"Tuo amico look like boy on police paper."

"Non c'è modo."  I was surprised by Nico's calm voice.

"Ci.  We should turn him in, don't you think?"  Nico's father lunged forward and grabbed my collar. I gasped, my eyes flitting back and forth from him and Nico.

"No! He did nothing wrong!"  Nico kicked his father hard, who promptly threw me down to clutch his leg.  My own ankle started throbbing.

"Why you little!" He shouted, shoving me aside and grabbing Nico by his shoulders and wrapping one hand across his neck.

"Nico!" I started, but he cut me off.

"Go! Take- bike-" he gasped. "And meet me at the old building-" Something fell out of his hand and clanged onto the floor.  I picked it up- a key!  "Get out!" He shouted at me with the breath he had left.  Reluctantly I turned and ran, leaping onto the bike.  I inserted the key and immediately the engine revved.  The only problem now was- I had no idea how to ride a motorcycle.  With my hands on the bars, I sped off in the direction of our old rendezvous spot.  The city swerved around me and I was surprised I didn't manage to hit anything.  I heard yelling, then I realised that some of it was me.  I stopped yelling.  The bike curved and almost crashed multiple times, but when I got to the building I was in one piece.  At least, I thought I was.  My ankle still pounded with pain from my harsh landing and I groaned as I limped off the bike and leaned against the fence.  After about half an hour, Nico came running towards me, his head down and his chest heaving.  

"Nico! Are you okay? I hated leaving you like that! What happened?"I panicked.  

"I'm fine.  We have to go, though.  Like, now.  I think your mom and the police aren't the only ones after us anymore- my dad will kill me if he finds us now."  He swung himself onto the bike, his face contorted in pain.  I frowned.


"Come on, Will! Let's go."  His tone made it obvious that he didn't want to talk about it.  I was about to offer to drive, but considering my last experience, I did not want us both to die.  I followed and wrapped my arms loosely around his waist.  We left a trail of dust behind us.  



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