The Sun

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We had to move on foot from there.  It was exhausting, but I couldn't imagine how it must've been for Nico.  Poor boy was limping half the time.  The image of him putting himself in front of the bullets to protect me kept running through my mind, and I thanked the gods above that he hadn't been shot.  We walked for miles for about 3 days, until one day we had to stop and rest.  

"Will? When're we ever going to find somewhere safe?" Nico asked me.

"I don't know, Nico.  I'm sorry." We lay in the leaves watching the sky darken through the trees above us, and he rested his head onto my chest.  I smiled at the gesture, but I couldn't help wondering about Nico's question.  I wrapped one arm protectively around his shoulders.  "Don't worry.  We'll find somewhere." My tone was determined, but inside I was questioning everything.  I had to be strong for Nico, though.  He nodded against me.  

"You don't have to be strong for me, Will.  I would do anything to protect you and I know you would do the same.  I can be strong for you, too."  

"How do you do that?" I marveled.


"You read my mind, then you know exactly what to say." I could feel him grin.  

"I know you."  He snuggled closer and I felt his heart pump.  My own heartbeat sped up.

"Nico?" I asked him softly.  He puffed through his mouth. He was asleep.  "I love you." I chuckled at the sleeping boy on my chest and then drifted off myself.  

Nico was awake first, which was awfully strange, considering I always woke before him.  He touched my shoulder, clearly concentrating, and then motioned quietly for me to stand.  I rose slowly, and he put a finger to his lips.  I listened carefully.  Leaves crumpled around us.  Slow steady footprints.  Someone was coming.  A little further away from where we stood, red and blue lights came flashing, and Nico's eyes flashed their own red.  

"They just never give up, do they?" He growled, grabbing my sleeve and turning to run.  He was stopped after only a few steps, though, as more officers came from behind the trees and all at once we were surrounded.  

"This is them." One of the men motioned at us and then a paper in his hand.  "The missing runaway and the criminal.  Who knew they'd be together?" He snickered and then turned towards us.  We stood back to back, and Nico snarled.  "Now, I need you to come with me." He pointed a stiff finger at me.  "And we'll escort you home." His finger turned on Nico.  Under normal circumstances I'd have been terrified, but not this time.  Nico was there for me and I was there for him, and though I didn't have a plan, I trusted him.  

But there was no way on earth I could've prepared myself for what was about to happen.

"Ok, take him.  But don't take me, I'm innocent!" Nico claimed, pushing me at a policeman.   "Please, my dad's a brute! Lock him up! He abused me! I can't go home.." His eyes filled with tears and so did mine.  He betrayed me. My heavy breathing and quiet sobs made Nico turn towards me.  The police tightened his grip on my arms.  

"Okay, boy." His glare towards Nico softened.  "But we have to get you somewhere safe then.  I'm leaving behind one of my men to make sure you don't get hurt or lost."  Nico nodded. 

"Thank you." His eyes fixed on me again, and though his expression was unreadable, I got the message. Trust me. I will find you.  Then the officer dragged me away, and I was thrown behind bars in the backseat of a police car. 



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