The Sun

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I ran my fingers through Nico's hair as he leaned backwards into my chest. Charlie was explaining the flower shop to us, and we threw in a few suggestions where we could, like Nico was good at art, so he could do arrangements, and I was generally friendly and not as shy, so I could do most of the talking.  Charlie showed us around, then pinned name tags on our shirts and fiddled around to tie Nico's hair up in a tiny ponytail so it wouldn't fall in his face.  He just laughed and shooed her off before fixing it himself.  I stood behind the register, and Nico started unloading flowers and placing them on shelves around the shop. He grinned at me, and I smiled back. The bell above the door jangled as it swung open, and a girl maybe a little younger than us walked in.  She had cheerful, golden eyes and a wild mass of brown curls.  She wore a simple sweater and jeans, the tan color complimenting her smooth chocolate skin.  She hummed as she examined the flowers, holding her phone in one hand.  She turned to me and I smiled.
"Welcome to Charlotte's Flowers, how may I help you?" I spoke happily. She smiled, and opened her mouth to answer. Her eyes flitted to Nico on the other side of the store and she dropped her phone.
"Nico?" She breathed. He jumped and whipped around. 
"Hazel? Oh my- oh!"  His eyes watered. Hazel ran up to him and squeezed him tightly, tears streaming down both of their faces.  She buried her face in his shoulder, then released and sniffed.  "Hazel.." he brushed hair out of her face.  "I can't believe it.  You're here. I missed you so much!" He whispered.  Who was Hazel? She smiled, scrubbing the tear stains off her face with her sleeve.
"I know, Neeks. I missed you too."  I wanted to ask, but didn't dare interrupt them. Luckily, I didn't have to.
"Hazel, this is Will. Will, Hazel, my sister." I gaped. What?
"We'll explain later. I'm just happy that you're here." She kissed his cheek and he ruffled her hair affectionately.  I smiled. I may have had no clue as to what was going on, but seeing Nico happy made me happy.


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