And the game begins...

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A/N: Hey so I'm writing this note as a warning before reading, this fanfic is dark and fucked up and includes graphic descriptions of violence and non-consensual sex, I cannot stress this enough. Read at your own discretion.

Chaotic, violent, insane.

These were all words that Batman would often use to describe Joker, but none of them could even begin to describe the gut wrenching sight he was currently laying his eyes upon.

Three weeks it had been since this had all started. He was accustomed to their usual games of cat and mouse, but he was a smart man- and he knew something was wrong the second he'd heard about Joker's breakout from Arkham. He hadn't killed anyone.

Never in the history of him escaping, had the madman not given into his sadistic urges to kill.


This could only mean trouble, Batman had deduced that from the get go. Joker was an unpredictable force to be reckoned with, but he still had habits, patterns in the ways he manoeuvred. He knew from personal experience that if Joker did something irregular it entailed nothing but mass death and destruction.

His suspicions had been confirmed with the absence of Nightwing a few weeks later. After further investigating he'd found most of his allies to be missing: Jim, Barbra, Selina, Jason, Tim... All of them had vanished, one after the other.

He knew it was him, it had to be him. He was the only one of his enemies to know of his secret identity. But again, Joker wasn't behaving as he usually would. The clown usually couldn't resist fuelling his ego by leaving a little hint that his crimes were in fact his doing. A playing card, some clownish prank, anything to link it back to himself.

But this time, however, there hadn't been a trace of him since his escape. It was as if he'd disappeared, along with Batman's missing allies, which he suspected he had.

It was constant late nights for the next two weeks, all time spent following leads and trying to gather any information he could. Of course all his of efforts had resulted in nothing. It seemed that Joker wasn't going to make things easy for him this time.

Thank god for Alfred, he probably would've gone crazy if it wasn't for the old man's reassurance and assistance.

That comfort was short lived, however, as Alfred had soon been taken as well.

Bruce was trying to keep his composure, trying to remain the stoic symbol of justice Gotham needed him to be.
But even he couldn't stop himself from collapsing under the pressure. Becoming a paranoid insomniac, being more brutal with the thugs he questioned. He was desperate, and of course that was what Joker wanted him to be.
_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ _

Joker always knew exactly what Batman was going to do, he always had the last laugh. He could easily manipulate the Bat, it only took saying the wrong thing for Batman to flip into a frenzy of violent rage. Joker loved it, being able to rile up his Bat with little to no effort.

But of course it eventually got boring to the clown, as with most things. He needed more, craved more. Wanted to push Batman just that little bit further, make him snap and break his rigid moral code. He often daydreamed about pushing Batman off the deep end, finally coaxing him to kill him. He'd die with a smile on his face.

Joker knew exactly how to get his Bat to do his bidding. He'd known how to get to Batman since the first time they'd fought, he could easily tell his most fatal weakness was his deep care for the people he loved. Joker hadn't acted on it straight away, no, he enjoyed giving the Bat the illusion that he had some control over his life.

But of course he didn't. Joker was far superior to those around him when it came to intellect, including his beloved Batman. He could easily outwit him, could easily foresee what he would do.

And with that knowledge, Joker concocted his most sadistic plan yet.

Batman had finally found a lead about Joker's whereabouts that actually resulted in something a few days later.
Leading him to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Gotham, Bruce couldn't help but feel untrusting of the information he'd been given. Something wasn't right. After weeks of dead ends it didn't make sense for Joker to suddenly slip up about his location, unless that's exactly what he intended to do...

Preparing himself for the worst, Batman hastily entered the forgotten building. The first thing he noticed was the sickening oder of dampness mingled with blood.

He soon found the source of the repugnant smell, immediately wishing he hadn't. There, in a row on the floor, laid his deceased allies, his loved ones. Their bodies were heavily mutilated, a huge smile carved into each of their lifeless faces.

It was clear that they'd been subjected to all variations of disgusting torture, torture only capable of being committed by a certain green haired psychopath he knew too well.

He stood there for what felt like hours staring, unmoving, at the horrific sight before him. As he looked upon the lifeless bodies of his tormented allies, an an overwhelming emptiness washed over him.

This wasn't like his parents death, no this wasn't like anything else he'd ever been subjected to in his pain filled life. This... This was something different entirely. He felt new and cynical emotions hit him with the sudden force of a gunshot. He wasn't sad, he wasn't angry... He was just... Empty. The grief he felt was so overwhelming it felt like he was feeling nothing at all and everything all at once. He was used to loss, he'd had it so many times even after his parents deaths.
But now, gazing upon his deceased loved ones, all of them gone, he knew that nothing else could ever affect him like the sight before him. He knew nothing else could weigh him down, he knew he'd reached rock bottom and...

He felt a strange sort of comfort in that, that he couldn't possibly ever feel worse and more hopeless and numb than he felt in this moment.

But one thing he was certain of was that he wasn't going to kill the Joker, or bring him back to Arkham like he had done countless times in the past...

No, this time- he was going to make him pay.

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the the shrill sounds of maniacal cackling. Joker soon made his presence known by stepping out from the shadows with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Such a beautiful sight, isn't it Batsy? Nothing like a happy family all together, hmm?" He again broke into fits of laughter, a horrifying sound only capable of being made by a madman.

"Ah, but I suppose you'll miss them, won't you? Of course you will. Heavens knows why- cowards, the lot of them. None of them had the decency to die with dignity, no they all cried and screamed, I've seen dying animals with more integrity." He paused again for a brief chuckle before continuing.

"But I guess that's your fatal mistake, isn't it Brucie? Letting people latch onto you like leaches, draining you and playing on your foolishness habit of caring for them. Pathetic."

His voice had accentuated a serious tone near the end of his monologue, feigning disgust at Batman's pitiful nature. However, this was short lived as he again broke out into his signature laugh, one that would make even the most bravest man's blood run cold. But, his hysteria was soon interrupted by the cold and emotionless voice of Batman.

"The only fatal mistake here, Joker, is yours."
A/N: Hey, I hope you liked the first chapter. This is my first work for this paring, so please leave a comment to let me know what you thought, all feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading-

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