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The first thing Joker noticed when he awoke was the dull throbbing of a migraine in his head, causing him to clamp his eyes shut and lightly groan.

Then he noticed the fact that he was chained to a bed, naked. There hasn't been a bed in his cell before... Was he even in his cell?

He slowly opened his eyes only to be greeted with the damp celling of a cave. Nope, definitely not in his cell anymore.

Upon further inspection he realised that he was lying on a hospital type of bed, his left arm hooked up to an iv drip. Both of his wrists were handcuffed by his sides to the railings on the bed, and his legs were spread apart and also cuffed to the railings.

He tested the strength of his bindings, lightly sighing in frustration when he came to the conclusion that he was completely immobile. Again.

He looked once more towards the iv drip, trying to identify the contents in clear bag. He lifted his head forward as far as he could, immediately noticing none other than the dark knight himself sitting at a desk across from him, his eyes glued to a large computer screen.

If only he were able to move, he'd creep over there and stab the Bat in his back over and over and over again until all that was left of him was a pool of blood and body parts.

This game between them wasn't fun anymore.

A horrible feeling was building up inside his stomach, like thousands of moths were flying around inside him. He'd only felt this feeling once before, when he'd miserably failed at his biggest attempt on plunging the city into chaos.

It was strange and unfamiliar, and he was desperately trying to put a name to the feeling. Then it hit him like a wall of bricks. Embarrassment. He was feeling embarrassed... But why?

He ran his mind into overdrive sifting through his jumbled memories and thoughts, trying to figure out the source of his shame. His mind felt hazy, more so than usual. Images of him strewn across Batman's lap with a hand wrapped around his cock surfaced, and at first he couldn't place these memories. Then it all came back to him, flooding into his mind like a dam had been broken.

Earlier- the hose, the blankets, the hand around his member.

But that still didn't explain why he felt embarrassed about it. You only feel embarrassed around people who's opinions matter to you and the only person who's opinion matters to him is... Oh, right. Batman.

He knew his feelings for the Bat ran deeper than mere flirtatious fighting, they were meant to be together after all. But the fact that he felt embarrassment over allowing himself to come undone so easily just showed how deep his feelings really were.

He cared about what Batman thought of him, craved his disapproving judgement. But now... Now all he'd see him as was weak, a mere human being, not his greatest enemy, not the biggest threat to Gotham- to the world. No, he'd just be seen as a weak, pathetic mess.

Well, he couldn't just sit and let that happen. He may not give a shit about what the citizens of Gotham think of him, or even the other criminals that terrorise the city. But one person's opinion certainly mattered to him, and he was going to make sure that Batman viewed him as only a powerful force to be reckoned with.

But he couldn't do much with his limbs chained to a bed, so with newfound vigour, he began to try and escape his confinements.

But of course, the sounds of the metal chains of the handcuffs clattering against the metal railings of the bed soon drew the attention of the man sitting at the desk.

He wasn't wearing his cowl, or any of his Bat armour for that matter.
Instead, he was dressed in an expensive suit with his hair slicked back and his stance much more placid.

It was clear that he'd recently been out as his second persona- Bruce Wayne: billionaire playboy. He certainly was handsome under his Batman uniform, and he looked nothing like the ruthless vigilante Joker had come to know him as, now he just looked like your average asshole rich guy.

But his current exterior didn't fool Joker, he knew of the deep seated anger that resided within the man, of his complex emotions and his thrill for danger.

The well dressed man came towards him, his lips pulling downwards into his ever present scowl.

"You're finally awake I see." His voice was as stoic as ever.

"What have you drugged me with?" Joker said, curt and to the point. He could tell the Bat was planning something, and that horrible feeling was back again.

Bruce looked momentarily confused, before his gaze fell to the iv drip.

"Just some basic sedatives, they may not knock you out like they do for normal people, but they should certainly slow you down. I can't have you pulling anything like you did yesterday."

"What I pulled yesterday? How about what you pulled yesterday? For someone who claims he hates me, you sure are being very hands on lately."

"Humiliation, part of your punishment. That was my goal when I began to touch you, and I can tell it's worked by your irritated tone, you're embarrassed with yourself for acting like so pathetic and weak."

Bruce smirked to himself, remembering back to when the Joker was in his lap, moaning, being so pliant.

He could feel himself slipping down a dark path but at this point he was too far gone to care.

Joker let out a bitter laugh, turning to face away from Batman.

"You can label it whatever you like Bats, punishment, conditioning, frankly I don't give a shit. You and I both know that they're just excuses you use to convince yourself that you're doing the moral thing, just so you can get in my pants without feeling bad about it."

"Well, that wouldn't be so hard considering you're not even wearing any."

Batman was becoming too relaxed for Joker's comfort, his usual stoic demeanour slipping away.

He eyed him up and down, contemplating the man before him. He'd changed, and so had their usual game. Their constant cycle of cat and mouse had ended. He could see now that he had broken the Bat, just not in the way that he'd expected. He'd messed with his mind and pushed him too far, and now he was suffering the consequences.

Everything around him was changing. He couldn't keep pretending that things were the way they used to be. Even he himself had changed too, although not in a way he liked. He cleared his thoughts and fell back into his charismatic and flirtatious clown persona.

"Okay Bats, if you think it's so easy, then why don't you come and try it?"
A/N: Hey everyone, just a quick warning that the next chapter is going to be heavily sex orientated so if that's not your thing I wouldn't advise reading it. Hope you've enjoyed it so far, thanks for reading-

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