Your move...

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Joker's smile faltered slightly, if only for a moment. He could sense a difference in the way Batman spoke, and he wasn't sure if he liked it. 

But, brushing it off, he quickly resumed his mirth and prepared to make another snide remark. But before he could, Batman had already jumped upon him, throwing him to the ground. He unleashed his fists onto Joker, not stopping until blood was covering the madman's unconscious face.

Taking a pair of handcuffs out of his utility belt, Batman made quick work of restraining the lunatic. Once he was satisfied, he unceremoniously threw him over his shoulder and carried him to the Batmobile. He sat him up front in the passenger seat, he needed to be able to see Joker at all times, he was a skilled escape artist, and even whilst unconscious he still needed to be considered dangerous.

It didn't take long to get back to the cave, and when he did an overwhelming sadness crept up on him. It was going to be lonely having such a big living space to himself, well... almost to himself. He gave a venomous glare to the unconscious form beside him.

He wasn't properly thinking about his actions, not really taking a step back to grieve, to mourn, to honour his loved ones who were so brutally taken away from him. In this moment he was being driven by nothing but his desire to make the clown suffer for what he had done.

The cave had a state of the art security system, but he knew it alone wouldn't be good enough to keep the Joker from getting out. He glanced towards the panic room he'd had installed in recent years. It was designed for someone like Alfred to use if anyone was to breach the house.

The security of the small panic room was far superior than in most maximum security prisons. Batman thought that if he could reroute the system so that it was controlled from the outside rather than the inside, then it would be the ideal place to keep Joker.

He injected the madman with heavy sedatives to ensure he remained unconscious. He then restrained him, leaving the cuffs on Joker's wrists and using strong rope to bind his ankles together as well. He looked over the clown; his bright green hair, stark white skin, and red mouth a mixture of lipstick and blood. Restrained and unconscious like this he almost seemed small, his bright purple suit doing nothing to hide his thin wiry frame. It was strange how someone so dangerous could appear so... Unthreatening.

Bruce shook his head to clear his thoughts, soon getting himself lost in the task of changing the panic room into a prison cell.

It had taken him all night to do it, the design was very intricate. Once Batman had ensured the room was as inescapable as it could possibly be, he dragged the clown inside.

It was a relatively small room, it reached about 10 feet tall, 40 feet in length and 20 feet in width. Bruce had made sure to install all the walls with plain white padding, like at some of the cells in Arkham. Joker had a habit of indulging in self destructive behaviour when he didn't get his own way. It had been difficult and time consuming, but he needed everything to be perfect for this to work.

The room was also now completely empty, bar from the toilet and sink at one end of the room. It had no bed or other items, this was a punishment and Bruce was only going to provide the bare necessities.
Bruce had also installed chains that hung down from the celling so that he could hang Joker up and essentially make him immobile.

He stripped the Joker down to his underwear, wanting him to have no stimulation of colour from his ridiculous clothing. He attached the chains to both of his wrists and hoisted him up into the air.

The sedatives would wear off within the next couple of hours, and when they did, he'd be ready.

When Joker began to resume consciousness, the first thing he noticed was a dull aching pain at the joints in his arms. Shifting slightly, he began to realise that his feet weren't on the ground. Upon forcing his sleep heavy eyes open, he immediately closed them, stunned by the white brightness that surrounded him.

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